The Day They Fall

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"Where the hell is he?" I yell. The lady behind the desk tells me to calm down. Jay runs up to me.

"She's with me." He says as he grabs my arm and takes me down a string of corridors. I can tell he's trying to explain to me what happened but I'm not listening. All I can hear is the sound of my heart beating in my chest. And the breath coming in and out of my lungs.

"Grace can you hear me?" Jay looks at me with a worried glance. I barely manage a nod. We finally come to a stop just outside a room. He grabs me by the shoulders.

"You sure you want to go in and see?" He says. I nod and push past him into the room. Stopping in my tracks, I feel my heart drop from my ribcage and to my stomach.

"Adam?" I say, my voice so quiet I can barely hear myself talking.

"He can't hear you." A doctor says.

"Why can't he hear me? What's wrong with him?" I almost scream. I feel myself shaking.

"He's sleeping. Not in a coma. Just sleeping." The doctor explains. But all I can hear is the sound of my heart breaking.

"Grace, Megan brought him hear a little after midnight last night. She said he wasn't breathing and he wouldn't respond to her." Jay explains. I feel myself choking on the tears I have been trying so hard to hold back.

"Please. Please don't let him die." I whisper. Jay hugs me. I don't argue. I sit with him in the waiting room. The guys show up and sit with us.

"He'll be okay. He has to be." Max says. Though none of us believe it.

Three hours goes by and finally a nurse come's out of the room Adam was in.

"He's awake. You can go see him now." I immediately jump up from where I was sitting next to Jay and run to his room. I stop in the doorway, seeing Adam's amazing eye's on me.

"Gracie." He whispers, so quietly I can't even hear him. I feel the intensity of his stare on me, watching my every move as I make my way to the side of his bed.

"Gracie I am so sorry." He says. His voice sounds so raspy. Like it physically hurts to talk. Maybe it does.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask, barely managing to get the words out.

"I never meant to leave you." He says. I shake my head, grabbing his hand.

"No. You can't leave." I say. He let's out a long sigh.

"Gracie, I'm dying. I'm sorry but it's true. I need you to be strong okay? You can't just sit in your room not doing anything for the rest of your life." He says. I shake my head again.

"I love you Grace Hollister. With everything in me I love you." He whispers. I feel his hand start to go limp, I watch as his breathing as it slows and shallows. Watch his chest rise and fall for the last time. His hand slips from mine, and that's when it hits me. Like a train crashing off a bridge I'm falling. Falling to my knees. I don't bother trying to hold the tears back, there's no point now. I can't hear anything, feel anything. I didn't hear Jay screaming my name. I didn't feel him pick me up and carry me out of the room. But I know he did. Somehow I know he did.

I snap back to reality, seeing Jay sitting in a chair across from my bed. I sit up, realizing I'm home. I don't even remember getting here. Or how I got here.

"You're up." Jay says. I feel the hurt of the previous events gather in my mind and I feel the tears start up again. Jay get's up from his seat and walk's over to me. He wraps his arms around me, and I sink against his chest.

"I know it hurts. I know." He soothes. I just continue crying. My head hurts, my chest hurts, my stomach hurts. I feel like crying, throwing up, or just not doing anything. Not even moving.

"Grace. He loved you. Always remember that okay?" Jay says. I nod. He hugs me to him tightly, wrapping me in his arms and not letting go. The way Adam used to.

"How long was I sleeping?" I ask.

"Six hours." He says.

"And you stayed with me the entire time?" I say, slightly shocked. He nods.

"I didn't want you to wake up alone." He says. I bury my face in his chest. We sit like that for a while, in silence. Except for the occasional sound of my sobbing. It got dark, and the last few shadow's of the day's light stretched across my room.

"Grace, look." Jay says, pointing to my window. I do. I look up into the sky, and watch as shooting stars fly across the sky. I smile. I lean back, watching through my window as the stars fall, and I can't help but think that Adam would have really enjoyed seeing this. I laid there, against Jay, crying for what seems like forever. Eventually, I fell asleep. Just like that. I dreamed of Adam, his smiling face and bright eyes. The way he always wanted to make everyone happy, no matter what, the way he used to hold me when I cried. Or even just when we were watching a movie. He always would cherish the moments we spent together, like he knew he was going to die. And he did.

And you know what? It was the best damn year of my life.


Author's note:

Okay so. This is the last chapter of this story. Maybe. We shall see.

I hope you people don't hate me too much, but I had to. I thought it was a good way to end the story. Not everything has a happy ending, people. I promise I will continue with my other stories. Depending on what the people who read this are and if I have time, I may or may not add an Epilogue to this. MAYBE. I don't know yet.

Bye guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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