At adams house part two

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We eat and talk and laugh. I havn't been so happy in so long.

"So grace, adam tells me your not exactly the most popular girl at your school?" Megan says. I flinch.

"Mom-" adam starts.

"It's alright. Yeah. I'm the outcast." I say, looking down at my food.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Your a very nice girl, I don't see why people would treat you so badly." She says. I sigh.

"I have to go. Thanks for the dinner." I say, getting up. I grab my bag and walk towards the door.

"So, do you think you could stop by tomorrow? I'd like you to meet the rest of the band." Adam says.

"Sure." I say as I open the door. I walk out, and hear adam yelling at his mom. I sigh and walk down the street.

"Grace! Wait!" He yells.

"Can I walk you home?" He asks. I sigh before nodding. We walk, in silence.

"Your a really nice girl grace." He says.

"Not to everyone else." I say.

"It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. Grace I think your an amazing, smart, talented girl who any guy would be lucky to have." He says. I stop and look at him, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"Your lying." I say.

"No, I'm not. Look at you! Your beautiful! And your crazy talented, and one of the brightest kids in all of the class." He says. I look down.

"Look grace. I know no one likes you." He says. I flinch. He lifts my chin up.

"But I do. I will be your friend. Your one and only friend, if the others decide to be assholes." He says. I start to cry and he hugs me. When I've calmed down we walk to my house. He hugs me goodbye.

"I'll see you at school okay?" He says. I nod. I open the door and wave. He waves and I turn around and shut the door.

"Who was that?" My aunt asks.

"No one..." I say.

"New friend?" She says. I nod.

"Hopefully he's a nice one." She says. I nod. I say goodnight and walk up to my room. Shutting the door, I sigh and walk over to my closet. Putting on BVB pajamas and a minecraft t shirt climb into bed and fall asleep.


Hey guys. Sorry it's such a short chapter, I'll try to update it tomorrow. Idk. I'm gonna head to bed, so goodnight everyone. Byeeeeee 😬

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