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"You ready?" Adam asks, walking into my room.
"Yeah. Can you help me with my suitcase please?" I ask. He nods. Me and the guys are going to adams grandparents beach house for spring break. He grabs my suitcase and we walk downstairs.
"Bye aunt Diane." I say, hugging her.
"Bye sweetie. Have fun." She says. She turns to adam.
"Take care of her." She says.
"Always." He says, wrapping his spare arm around me.
"Let's go you two! We're gonna miss the plane!" Jay calls. I smile and run out to the car.
"Let's go let's go lets goooo!" I say jumping up and down.
"Okay okay." Adam says, laughing slightly while I pull him down the driveway. He throws my bag in the trunk and me and him climb into the car.
"Ready?" Adam asks. I nod and we drive to the airport.
"Flight 284 now boarding." The lady over the intercom says. I grab my bag and we get onto the plane. I sit next to adam.
"I'm so excited." I say. Adam smiles.
"I can tell." He says. An hour later I fall asleep on adams shoulder.
-skip the rest of the plane ride-
"Grace. Grace wake up we're here." I feel adam shaking me awake.
"Huh?" I say tiredly.
"The plane landed." He says. I groan and stand. Grabbing my stuff, we get off the plane.
"I got us two rental cars, the house is like an hour drive from here." James says. I groan.
"I'm tired." I whine.
"I know baby. You can sleep in the car okay?" Adam says. I nod. I check my phone. It's 1 am. Great. We make our way to the car and I climb into the back. Adam climbs in.
"Adam." I ask.
"Yeah baby?" He says.
"Are we sharing a room at the beach house?" I ask.
"Yep." He says.
"Good." I say, leaning my head on his shoulder. He wraps an arm around me and I fall asleep. 

When I wake up in the morning, Adam is staring at me. I smile. 

"Hi there." I say. 

"Hey baby." He says. He smiles. 

"Wakey wakey lovebirds!" I hear Jay yell. I sigh. 

"Come on, we better get up." Adam says. 

"Yeah, before he comes in with cold water and ice." I say. He laughs. I do too. 

"Morning." I say, walking downstairs to the kitchen, where James and Jamie are sitting arguing about god knows what. 

"Morning." They both say before going back to arguing. 

"Hey there stranger." Jay says, following me. 

"What are they arguing about?" He asks. 

"No clue." I say. He nods. 

"Did anyone make food?" Max asks. 

"Not yet." Jay says, grabbing a frying pan from the cuboard and turning on the stove. I decide to go take a shower. I go upstairs and into me and Adams bedroom, grabbing some black shorts and a red tank top and going into the bathroom. I lock the door and undress. Turning on the shower, I step in. Washing my hair and body, I hum quietly to myself. When I finish I get out and dry myself off before changing into my clothes. Brushing out my wet hair I throw it into a side braid and go back downstairs. 

"I was wondering where you were." Adam said. 

"I was in the shower." I say. He hugs me. 

"Adam I need foodz." I say. 

"But-" He says. 

"No buts. Foodz. Nowz." I say. 

"Fineee." He says. He lets me go and I grab some bacon and eggs. 

"So what do you guys wanna do today?" Jamie asks. 

"Um....theres a really cool amusment park just down the road." Jay suggests. We all agree. After breakfast I walk back to me and Adam's room and pack a small bag in which consists of: A book for the ride, a phone car charger, headphones, money, and a sweatshirt in case I get cold. When I finish packing I go back downstairs.

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