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twenty - part two

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twenty - part two

FLYING INTO BATTLE ON A SADDLED DRAGON WAS ONE THING, BUT FLYING ALONE WITH ONLY YOUR WITS AND SOMEWHAT CONTROLLED POWERS WAS ANOTHER. I realized that this was the first actual battle that I'd flown into. Only this time, I wasn't shielded by Hiccup and Toothless. I was on my own. What was even worse was that this was only the beginning of many battles and soon, it would turn into war. The sad thing? This wouldn't be the only war that I'd be flying into.

Alora used her brute force to draw the attention of the Flyers (as Hiccup called them) so that the Little Prince would have enough time to work out his plan. And he told her to lead the others towards the Edge once she'd gotten the signal.

She yelled as she started knocking out each flyer off of its saddle.

"Aly?!" Stoick yelled.

"O-Oh! Hi Chief!"

"Is she flying?!" someone yelled.

"YEAH!" she yelled as she took out another flyer. Then, she started making her way towards the Edge.

She saw the red Singetail and followed after it. She saw that Astrid and Stoick were behind her.

"Follow her lead!" Astrid yelled.

Alora cranked back her elbows and pushed out her fists forward. Each time he shot, she flew straight through it. And Astrid yelled to keep going even though Hiccup's dad went down. So she did and all the anger rose up within her and Alora felt something inside her click.


The man that sat behind the purple
caped man turned around.

His name is Krogan. But I didn't know it at the time.

It looked to be. . .


Then — without knowing— two laser beams shot out of Alora's eyes, barely missing the men and their dragon. This caused Krogan to speed up, so he pulled his Singetail's behind upwards and fire spread out. But what they didn't see was that Alora had continued to fly through it, wanting to follow them into the fog until. . .


Alora's laser beam cooled down and she felt herself falling towards the ground. Only this time, she felt she wouldn't be able to stop herself plummeting into the water.

Alora woke up to see three blurry figures hovering over her.

"She's okay dad, she just needs the sun."

"The sun?"

"We need her to wake up, she saw something and then. . ."

"What is it Astrid?"

"I think she may have discovered a new power."

Alora groaned as she woke up. The sun ray beams helped her regain enough strength to stand up.

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