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twenty seven

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twenty seven

A LOT HAD HAPPENED IN THE LAST FEW DAYS. They had moved the lenses, Ruffnut almost became a Wingmaiden, and Alora discovered that she could fly into space (that one she found out by accident). Of course, nothing prepared her for this new obstacle that would stumble upon her path.

The morning started peacefully. She was on the beach with Hiccup, leaning against his chest as they stared into the horizon.

"I'm glad we had this picnic," she said.

Lately, Hiccup's been nothing but a romantic. And Alora would be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying it.

"No distractions, no inter—"


Alora quickly pushed them away as the twins crash landed into their picnic.

"Oh for Rao's sake, what are you guys doing?!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"Nope, not long enough!" Ruffnut yelled, looking at the Zippleback's mark on the beach.

Alora gave Hiccup a confused look.

"All right, all right. Can somebody please fill me in?" he asked.

"Well you see, every dragon but ours has a talent," Ruffnut explained. "Something special that makes them famous."

"Hookfang's the hottest, Meatlug makes Gronckle Iron, Stormfly's the fastest, but only when she eats chicken."

"And Toothless, I mean come on, he's the cutest, obviously. Like a little puppy."

"Well I don't have a dragon!" Alora said.

"That's because you're an alien from another planet that's from another world, who can fly and shoot laser beams out of her eyes."

Alora bit her lip and shut her mouth.

"But what about Barf and Belch? What makes them special? Famous?"

"They're the gassest," Hiccup said.

"They have two heads?" Alora added.

The twins groaned and shook their heads, not pleased with their answers.

"Hiccup!" Fishlegs yelled from above. "You have terror-mail. From Stoick."

"I guess the picnic will have to wait," Alora told her boyfriend.

They went back to the Edge and Hiccup read the letter.

"Your dad found a Dragon Eye lens?" Alora said.

"And he wants you to come alone. Doesn't that seem kind of weird to you?" Fishlegs asked.

"I'm going to go," Hiccup said. "If my dad found a lens, I have to investigate."

"But something feels off. I'm pretty sure Stoick wouldn't be this cryptic. Maybe I should go with you."

"No, my dad was clear. I have to go alone so that's what I'm going to do."

He saw her worried look and cupped her face with his hands.

"Don't worry Princess, I'll be careful."

He pecked her lips before mounting Toothless and taking off. Alora crossed her arms and Astrid placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on," she told her.

"So what is this for again?" Alora asked.

Astrid placed a dragon-proof bar on the floor.

"We need to figure out what you can and can't break through. Plus your laser beams would be very useful in combat."

Alora sighed and used all her might to use her laser vision on command.

But nothing.

"Okay, imagine that bar is your worst enemy."

"Clarissa DelRio from eighth grade!" she gritted.

Then, it shot out of her eyes. . . Only she didn't know how to stop it.


"Just keep focusing!" she yelled, shielding her eyes.

"I'm trying!"

Alora tried to stop it but she couldn't.

"Think of something that makes you happy! Or something that'll get it to stop!"

She pictured Hiccup on Toothless and suddenly it stopped. But she was shocked to see the dragon-proof bar afterward.

"Uh, Astrid."

Astrid uncovered her eyes and saw the bar in one piece.

"Okay, so dragon-proof cages are also Aly-proof."

Alora took the bar and bent it in half.

"But they're easily dented when I use my strength."

Astrid smiled.

The duo spent the entire day testing out Alora's new powers and since she didn't have control over her laser vision, they used the dragon-proof pieces to contain it so that she wouldn't damage the island.

It was almost sunset when Hiccup returned. Alora smiled and hugged her boyfriend. But frowned when she saw all of the bruises on him.

"What the fuck happened to you?"

Hiccup had gathered everyone and explained what had happened. How Viggo had saved his life and how he had given a lot of information to him. Also, how the twins saved his life and set the 'gassiest record'.

"Johann only needs one more lens," Hiccup told them. "He's that much closer to the King of Dragons."

"I can't believe Viggo sacrificed himself to save you," Fishlegs said.

"And I can't believe you told the twins to follow you," Alora said.

"We needed a witness for our record, and he needed backup!" Ruffnut said. "It was a win-win."

"And I'm pretty sure that's gotta be some sort of world record for the biggest explosion," Hiccup said.

"Wait, explosion?" Alora repeated.

Hiccup laughed nervously.

Then he noticed a dragon-proof bar in Astrid's hand.

"Uh, what's up with that?" he asked.

The two girls glanced down and gave him their most innocent smiles.

"You know what, nevermind, I don't wanna know."

Alora followed Hiccup back to his 'thinking hut' (which was his actual hut, but when he's in his zone she calls it that. . . she forgot to mention that) as he placed a game piece on the board.

"You know," she said, "if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have figured out about my laser vision."

Hiccup laughed.

"Astrid told me about that."

Alora hugged him from behind.

"We learned a lot from him."

"Are you going to be okay?"

Hiccup sighed.

She pecked his cheek and walked out.

"I'll be outside if you need me."

Hiccup took one last look at the game board and placed the game piece on it before covering it up.

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