Snow ball fight & Sled Accident

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At Crystal and Fantasy Caves in Hamilton Parish, Bermuda Narrator's POV

A tour is happening at Crystal and Fantasy Caves and groups of children from 6 to 8 years old are having a field trip while a familiar female spirit was watching with a soft smile and gets an idea and decides to make the tour just a little more 'brighter' for them as she jumps down from a tree and walks in right behind them as she watches the children looking at the cave in awe and wonder while some were writing in their little notebooks and others were looking down at the water.

A tour is happening at Crystal and Fantasy Caves and groups of children from 6 to 8 years old are having a field trip while a familiar female spirit was watching with a soft smile and gets an idea and decides to make the tour just a little more 'b...

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A female tour guide starts leading the children on the bridge and under it was filled with water and the light from the sunlight is making the water look like it's glowing and there were some adults were also fascinated by the cave. Diancie was also fascinated by the cave and then she hears the teacher clapping her hands and says an announcement and they said it was a special surprise for them.

"Alright everyone. For today's field trip we're gonna do something very special for this trip and thankfully the tour guide was kind enough to let us do this special surprise" the teacher says to the children.

"What's the special surprise Miss Cala?" a red-haired boy asks rasing his hand.

"Yeah, Miss Cala what is it?" A little blonde hair boy asked.

"Well, boys today the special surprise you're going to be looking up at the ceiling" Miss Cala says smiling. All the children just like blinked and looked at her like she's crazy even the adults were confused by what she meant.

"Uh. . . What's so special about looking at the ceiling Miss Cala" a 5 year old brunette asks confused while tilting her head causing Diancie to awed at the little girl by her cuteness.

"Well, sweetie we're not only gonna watch the ceiling but watching the ceiling light up with glowing crystals" the tour guide says causing everyone even Diancie to look up with interest.

"Alright who's ready to watch the ceiling light up?" She added with a hint of excitement causing all the children to cheer in excitement and soon all the lights turned off and it cause the children to get excited until they heard someone running in with a flashlight on.

"I'm sorry to inform everyone but with some light technical difficulties we're sorry to say that the crystals will not be glowing today until further notice" one of the members said and causing all the children to 'aww' in disappointment by this.

Diancie felt bad for the children and wasn't having it and decided to do something about it and with that she jumps onto one of the rocks and with a slight smirk on her face she placed her hand on the wall if there's gonna be problems then she will fix it.

"I'm sorry everybody. But maybe there will be another chance to-" the female tour guides starts to say and looks up then gasps and this caused everyone else to look up and gasp as well and all were astonished by what they saw.

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