Meeting Pitch Black

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Narrator's POV

Diancie narrowed her eyes while slightly looking around knowing she, Jack and the guardians were not alone and was right when a voice spoke out.

"I have to say, this is very, very exciting. The Big Four, all in one place. I'm a little starstruck" causing the guardians and the two spirits to look around and then they all looked up and saw who it was. It was Pitch a.k.a the Boogeyman and he's above them while looking down at them with a smug smile. "Did you like my show on the globe, North? Got you all together, didn't I" Pitch says and making North realized he'd been played and stomped his boot down while letting out a scoff.

"Pitch! You have got 30 seconds to return my fairies!" Tooth yelled out while flying to Pitch but disappeared and looked around for him until he said mocking Tooth while appearing on a different platform "Or what? You'll stick a quarter under my pillow?" Diancie who's beside Jack glared at Pitch while growled and clenched her fist in anger.

"Why are you doing this?" North asked while pointing one of his swords at Pitch. "Maybe I want what you have. To be believed in" Pitch says pointing to the guardians and then causing both Jack and Diancie eyes to slightly widen at his answer. "Maybe I'm tired of hiding under bed!" he continued. "Maybe that's where you belong!" Bunny said causing Pitch to disappeared again and scoffs causing Bunny to look down and jumped back little. "Go suck an egg, rabbit" Pitch says with a bored expression. Bunny then leaned over the edge and tried to grab Pitch but he disappeared once more.

"Hang on, is that... Jack Frost?" Pitch asked as his voice echoed through the palace and he chuckles while Jack and Diancie both get into a fighting stance. "Since when are you all so chummy?" He adds. "We're not" Jack says. "Oh, good. A neutral party " Pitch says from behind them causing both spirits to turn around and saw him leaning on the railing behind them.

"Then I'm going to ignore you

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"Then I'm going to ignore you. But you must be used to that by now" Pitch says while he stood up straight and started walking away causing Jack to get offended and to anger Diancie by what he said and placed her hand on Jack's shoulder for comfort.

"Well well~ If it isn't little Diancie herself. And to think I've thought I never got the chance to meet you in person. After all I should count myself lucky" Pitch says as his voiced echoed and laughs then reappears behind Diancie as she felt a presence and looks behind her and gasps and jumps back.

"And My my~ The years have been kind to you haven't they, my dear?" Pitch says causing Diancie to scowl at him while glaring at him and stepping back. Bunny saw this and heard what Pitch said to Diancie and growled and then charged towards him while passing Diancie and shouts "Pitch! You shadow-sneaking ratbag, come here!" and he disappeared before Bunny could get him.

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