Becoming Official Guardians

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Narrator's POV

Pitch regains back conscious and gets up and the scene in front of him is that everyone is having a snowball fight and were having fun and no fear was shown, Pitch backs up in disbelief and shock as he says "No!" then saw a golden sand manta-ray and ducks down and then angrily says "You dare have fun my presence!? I Am The Boogeyman! And You Will Fear Me!" and this made both Jack and Diancie look then after he said that he lunged towards Jamie as Diancie's eyes widen and shouts "Jamie, Watch Out!" but he didn't hear her as he was laughing and having fun then ran towards Pitch and went through him like a ghost.

"Noooo! Ah! No!" Pitch yells and realized that he no longer had any power, then he looks at the guardians and the two spirits as they looked at him and then Pitch turns and runs off to the nearest forest as he runs on a frozen lake and then without looking forward he crashes into North's belly and caused him to fall back. "Leaving the party so soon?" North asked as Pitch backed away. "You didn't even say goodbye" Tooth says before tossing him a quarter as he caught it. "A quarter?" Pitch asked as he looks up at her and in return she punched him square in the jaw as he cried out in pain and this caused a tooth to fall out in the process.

Pitch gets up only to get punched again but this time in the nose, he grunts in pain and looks up and saw Diancie flexing her fist along with Tooth as she says "And that's for my fairies" while Diancie says "And that was for making my friends believe I was dead" and then Tooth's fairies flew in front Tooth and Diancie and angrily chittering at him and then Pitch shakily stood up and says "You can't get rid of me! Not forever! There will always be fear!".

"So what? As long as one child believes, we will be here to fight fear" North says and then Diancie stands next to him and says "That's right Pitch. As long as we're still here, standing and fighting as one... Fear will never prevail and we'll make sure of it" and then Pitch gathered himself and smirked while saying "Really? Then what are they doing here?" as he gestures the nightmares emerged from the woods as they surrounded the pond, but the two spirits and the guardians weren't afraid at all.

North chuckles as he says "They can't be my, I'm not afraid" as if speaking for everyone while this made Pitch lose his smirk and looked confused, Jack walks up a little beside Diancie and says "Looks like it's your fear they smell" and Diancie adds as she finished Jack's sentence by saying "It only riles them up more. They smell fear, you know" and she gave a slight smirk as her eyes shined red for a second, Pitch's eyes grew wide in terror as he backs away and while the nightmares nightmares slowly moved in on him and then they charged towards Pitch as he tries to run away but they were faster and swept him up in a stampede of the nightmare sand and flew into the air as Jack and Diancie's widen seeing this while the guardians eyes only slightly widen.

The black cloud quickly carried him through the forest and pulled him towards the broken bedframe as he tried to stop grabbing the ground but doesn't work as he cries out before finally disappeared into the dark depts of the hole as the bedframe was sucked in as well and the earth sealed itself up leaving no trace of the Boogeyman and Man in moon finally appeared again.

The black cloud quickly carried him through the forest and pulled him towards the broken bedframe as he tried to stop grabbing the ground but doesn't work as he cries out before finally disappeared into the dark depts of the hole as the bedframe w...

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