Sleigh Ride & Tooth Palace attacked

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Narrator's POV

Soon they all started heading towards the sleigh and while going Bunny then tries to have a small conversation with Diancie and was feeling nervous to talk to her since of what happened early. "I- um... Hi" Bunny finally says causing Diancie to look at him while walking still. "Um, Hello" Diancie said back to him feeling little unsure about his sudden conversation with her.

"You're Diancie, right Shelia?" Bunny asked causing her to look at him with a light surprise look on her face of the nickname. "Yes. And you must be the Easter Bunny I've heard so much about before?" Diancie says to him.

"Yeah, that's me" Bunny said with a slight smile on his face while looking at her and she smiled back at him "That's nice" Diancie says still walking until he gently grabs her wrist causing her to stop walking for a moment and looks back at him with a little confusion on her face while Bunny looks away with a guilt look on his face before she can question him he talked first.

"Listen Shelia. I wanted to say sorry about earlier and I really didn't mean to say that you weren't believed in. It's just between me and Jack and you're not apart of it in any way, Honest."

Diancie looked at him slightly shocked and mostly surprised by his apology and but smiles and then surprises him by what she said next. "It's okay. And I know it was a small insult but as I sometimes say 'Forgiveness is the first step you have to take to begin healing'".

Diancie then proceed to walk off but not before pausing and said "Though I really appreciate and accept your apology Bunnymund. Now let's hurry and catch up with the others" and begins to speed walk leaving Bunny stunned by her words then snaps out of it and quickly catches up with her and the others.

Soon North pushes the doors and walks ahead while saying to the yetis "Boys shipshape, as soon as possible" while Jack tries to catch up with him along with Diancie and while not bumping into the yetis. "North, North! I told you, I'm not going with you guys! There's no way I'm climbing into some rickety old-" Jack started to say until he heard the doors opening and caused Jack to stop his sentence and looked into the tunnel including Diancie.

"... Sleigh" they said as they both heard pounding hooves and saw the reindeers. Diancie never thought that the reindeers would be bigger than she thought and one of reindeer tries to knock down Jack and North went to calm the reindeer down while a other one saw Diancie it snorted and made a move towards her and nuzzled into her chest. Diancie started to giggle and petted the reindeer not knowing that Bunny was watching her with a soft smile and then Jack and Diancie looked behind the reindeers and to their shock and amazement they saw the sleigh and it was enormous and the wings unfolded from out of the sides. It went silent for a few seconds and Jack broke the silence by saying "Okay, one ride. But that's it" as he jumps into the sleigh.

While Diancie stares at it until she let out a whistle of amazement and says "Nice ride North" and also jumps into the sleigh. North gets in while saying "Everyone loves the sleigh. Bunny, what are you waiting for?" noticing that Bunny was not in the sleigh.

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