Pitch's Lair

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Diancie's POV

We made it to little Sophie's room and I'm watching Jack putting Sophie on her bed with amusement on my face as he was having a hard time getting out of her tight grip while still asleep and he finally manages to get out of her grip and we were about to leave until we saw Sophie rolling off her bed with a thud causing us to wince at this but surprisingly she didn't wake up from the fall and then we hear her mother calling out to her "Sophie, is that you?".

We made it to little Sophie's room and I'm watching Jack putting Sophie on her bed with amusement on my face as he was having a hard time getting out of her tight grip while still asleep and he finally manages to get out of her grip and we were ab...

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Our eyes widen as Jack quickly throws a blanket on her and then a toy next to her as it made a squeaky sound and Jack silently closes the window then says to both me and Baby Tooth "We should get back" as we nodded in agreement and Jack then says "Hey Diancie, what's that on your hair?". I looked at him confused until I looked at the window refection of me and that's when I noticed it.

It's a beautiful white flower and it's placed on my hair bun and I smiled as I realized who placed on my hair and when I looked at Jack he had a smirk on his face

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It's a beautiful white flower and it's placed on my hair bun and I smiled as I realized who placed on my hair and when I looked at Jack he had a smirk on his face. "So~ you and the kangaroo, huh?~" I blushed and glared at him causing him to laugh quietly and then we were about to leave until we hear a faint child laughter as it says


I frowned a little and was starting to get an odd about this but Jack looked shock and stunned by this as he says "Tha- that voice, I know that voice". Baby Tooth starts chitters nervously at Jack as I was getting really suspicious about that voice until it said it again only a little louder.


Then Jack flew off leaving me and Baby Tooth behind. "Jack! What are you doing!?" I exclaimed quietly as Baby Tooth and I quickly flew after him and we caught up to him but only to fly off again as we followed him into a forest as Baby Tooth keeps squeaking.


Then we see an old rotted bedpost with no mattress on it, okay now I'm really getting suspicious and know that something isn't right at all. Jack starts walking towards it and Baby Tooth tries holding him back while I began to say "Jack, I really don't think-" but he interrupted me by saying "Don't worry, shh, there's still time". Baby Tooth rolls her eyes while I sigh getting irritated by this and said "Jack, come on! We need to get back to the Warren!".

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