Collecting Teeth

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Narrator's POV

After Pitch had escaped Tooth had sat down with a empty tooth box in her hands while Diancie was comforting Tooth and Jack crouched down beside them. North and Bunny were having a conversation about the situation. "Okay. Alright, I admit it. You were right about Pitch" Bunny says to North. "This is one time I wish I was wrong. But he will pay" North replied back.

"I'm sorry about the fairies" Jack said to Tooth while Diancie had her hand on Tooth's shoulder providing her with comfort and while baby Tooth was on Diancie's shoulder. "You should have seen them. They put up such a fight" Tooth said while trying to lighten the mood a little. "I bet they did Tooth" Diancie said giving a small smile to her trying her best to cheer her up.

Baby Tooth flew beside Jack and then he asked "Why would Pitch take the teeth?".

"It's not the teeth he wanted. It's the memories inside them" Tooth said and this made Jack questioned by what she meant "What do you mean?".

"That's why we collect the teeth Jack. They hold the most important memories of childhood" Tooth says and places the box down and flies to a wall mural with a beautiful picture of Tooth and her fairies collecting the children's teeth. Jack walked across the palace lagoon and the water froze while Jack took each step and Diancie followed by floating beside Jack.

"My fairies and I watch over them, and when someone needs to remember what's important, we help them

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"My fairies and I watch over them, and when someone needs to remember what's important, we help them. We had everyone's here" Tooth turns to Jack and adds "Yours too".

"My memories?" Jack asked. "From when you were young. Before you became Jack Frost" Tooth says to him.

Jack shook his head while saying "But, I wasn't anyone before I was Jack Frost".

"Of course you were Jack. We were all someone before we were chosen" Diancie says while placing her hand on Jack's shoulder. "What?" Jack says with his eyes widen. North enters in the conversation by saying "You should have seen Bunny" and he laughs causing Bunny quickly turns to North and nearly shouted "Hey, I told you to never mention that!" Diancie heard the conversation behind and giggles while looking at Bunny with slight amusement and when he made eye contact with her he turns away and slightly blushes.

"That night at the pond... I just... Why I assumed" Jack said while struggling with the new information and then looks at Tooth and asked "Are you saying... Are you saying that I had a life before that? W-with a home, and a family?" and this caused Diancie to be stunned by what Jack said and asked. 'He really doesn't remember about his past at all' she thought to herself and Tooth looks at him and questioned "You really don't remember?".

"All theses years, and the answers were right here" Jack said and then gets excited and says "If I find my memories, then I'll know why I'm here. You have to show me!" and the wind lifted him up and flies off. "I can't Jack. Pitch has them" Tooth says regrettably. Jack looks back at her and says "Then we have to get them back!" And right then Tooth lost some of her feathers causing her to gasp and said "Oh no!" Everyone looks in horror and then looked up to see the mural disintegrating. "The children. We're to late" Tooth says. "No! No! No such thing as too late" North shouted.

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