...Sandy's Gone

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Diancie's POV

I started to wake up from my peaceful little nap I was having. I was confused for a second on why I was sleeping until I remembered what happened 'Jack, I'm literally gonna kill you after this' I thought to myself with a groan, but then I felt something warm next to me and I looked over to my right and saw Bunny sleeping beside me with his arms wrapped around me along with his face buried into my neck and I froze as my eyes widen as I felt my face turning red as I could've sworn I felt steam came from my face.

 I was confused for a second on why I was sleeping until I remembered what happened 'Jack, I'm literally gonna kill you after this' I thought to myself with a groan, but then I felt something warm next to me and I looked over to my right and saw B...

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I could hear my heart beating so fast and blushed even more when I felt Bunny breathing softly on my neck and hugged me closer to him causing me to get more embarrassed by the situation. 'Oh My God!!!! Why is Bunny holding me close to him!!!? Does he know he's holding onto me?!! And why does he have to be this cute while sleeping?!?!!' I thought panicking a little at this but I had to find Jack and Sandy. So, I carefully grab Bunny's arms and moved them gently off me as I stand up and looked down at Bunny, then for some reason I bent down to his level and stared at him. "You know for someone like yourself... You're kinda cute" I muttered and without thinking I gently kissed his cheek. I quickly stand up and headed toward the window and was about to leave when I looked back at the others and looked at Bunny one last time, I smiled with a small blush on my face and then I took off.

 I quickly stand up and headed toward the window and was about to leave when I looked back at the others and looked at Bunny one last time, I smiled with a small blush on my face and then I took off

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No one's POV

Two nightmares were running away in the air with Jack and Sandy right behind them with Jack being excited while chasing the nightmare, then they noticed that someone was following them too and it was Diancie flying towards them as she quickly catches up to them and says "Alright, Sandy you go after one of them while Jack and I go take care of the other" and the two boys nodded.

Soon the chase was on as a nightmare went through a apartment building along with Sandy went through it as well while Jack and Diancie went after the other nightmare with Jack cheering and Diancie simply laughed at him and then the nightmare comes out the building through the window with Sandy riding on it and he places his hand on the nightmare causing it to transform into a manta ray with his golden sand. The two spirits were still after the nightmare and caught up to it as it ran through an alley between two buildings and flew up with Jack and Diancie behind it's tail and they landed on the roof and before the nightmare could escape Jack used his staff and Diancie grabs her dagger as they both either shot/threw at the nightmare.

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