England Security

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Adam led me to customs and we both stood in line for ages and talked about everything a under the sun. I really like him. Just as a friend, of course. He told me about how his family came here every summer ever since he was a kid, but after the sadly passed away, he just came alone. Talking to him made me realize that my parents' divorce wasn't as terrifying as it seemed. I felt more safe when I was with him. Besides Abigail, I don't really have anyone like that, and after she moved, I don't talk to her as much as I wish I could. I finally felt like I wasn't alone, all because of this, rather good-looking, stranger. He was eventually called to go through customs and I was left alone feeling stranded, even though he had promised to meet me on the other side. After what felt like hours, but actually was probably five minutes, I heard "Aisle 7! Next in line go to aisle 7!" I speed walked to aisle seven and saw the about forty year old police officer, who looked as though he was checking me out. I put my passport down on the counter and folded my hands over my chest. He kept looking down at my butt. He either was a creepy pervert or I had spilled on my pants. I was assuming the second, being my naive fifteen year old self. He handed me my passport after stamping it and checking all of my information.
"So, why don't you meet me outside Club 99 tonight and you can amuse me with that smoking body of yours?" He winked at me and I sprinted though the exit and went straight into Adam's arms. The tears just started coming and I was scared out of my mind, but being in the safety of Adam's embrace, I felt just slightly better.
"Taylor, what's wrong?" He obviously looked a little surprised that we had just met and I already was hugging him and crying into his shoulder like a six year old. I just started sobbing even harder. Someone actually cared about me, about what I thought, about how I was feeling.
"The-the g-g-guy at the-e cus-c-c-customs j-just t-t-told m-m-me to-o m-meet him at-at a-a n-n-night club a-and s-s-ome oth-other st-st-stuff a-and it sc-scared m-m-me." I muffled through my tears. Adam tightened his grip around me and we just stood there for awhile with my head buried in his chest and his head resting on my head.
"It's going to be okay." He told me and for some weird reason, I believed him. We walked outside together and he was standing right next to me, just in case the man came back. I kept turning around to make sure the man wasn't following us. We arrived at the taxi stand and Adam let go of my hand.
"Would you feel safer if I rode in the same taxi as you?" Adam asked me, the tone of his voice revealed that he was genuinely concerned.
"Um, I guess I'm fine either way." I answered nervously. Honestly, I would feel a thousand times better i he came with me, but that wasn't exactly something that I felt comfortable revealing.
"I'm going to take my own taxi, just because it will be easier since we're going to different places." He started, "We'll have to meet up soon. Here's my phone number." He handed me a little slip of paper with his cellphone number on it, "Text me when you get back to the hotel. I'll see you later." He smiled and waved before hopping into a taxi while I got into the one behind it. I couldn't help but think of all of the wonderful things I was going to do in England, all of the friends I was going to make. It looked like I already had made one. I started to write down in a journal all of the things I wanted to do, so far it was short, but I knew I would add more as I went along:
• make new friends
• visit ten places in England
• buy some British things that I
won't be able to get again
• find love
The third one wasn't as important to me and if I had to not complete one, it would be that one, even though I knew that I would.
I thought that maybe I should text Adam, after all, he had asked me to. I took my phone and the little slip of paper with Adam's number on it out of my pocket. 'Hey. It's Taylor.' I texted. I didn't know if he would reply soon, or even at all. My phone said that he was typing and I squealed out of excitement. The car came to a halt an the taxi driver turned around to look at me.
"Seriously?" He asked. He put his foot bak on the gas pedal and started to drive again. I wanted to burst out laughing, but I knew that would annoy him even more, so I just looked down at my phone.
Adam texted back two minutes after I texted him. 'Hey. Are you almost to your hotel?'
'Yup. We're pulling in right now.' The car parked in front of the hotel and I paid the driver before getting out of the taxi and getting my luggage, with the help if the hotel staff and the driver. "Thanks so much!" I told the driver as he pulled away. I walked inside an up to the front desk. "Hi! I'm Taylor Swift." I told the concierge.
"Hello, Taylor! Here's your room key and Paul will escort you up to your room." The woman handed me my room key and I followed Paul into an elevator. The whole hotel was gorgeous, like nothing I'd ever seen before. Paul took my bags and put them in the room and I thanked him and gave him five pounds. I had no idea if that was the right amount, but it sounded right to me.
'I'm in my room. No weird encounters with pervs so far. Haha :)' I texted Adam before going back down the elevator and going outside without a care in the world. And then I saw him and my heart started pounding in my chest.

Hi! Sorry this chapter is so short! I tried really hard to upload it as soon as possible so I've literally written this in like an hour (read author's note). I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please vote and comment
your feedback.

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