Dinner Plans and Letters

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"Could you turn the radio off, please?" I asked the driver and he quickly pressed and audio button which turned the sound off and we were left in dead silence, besides the humming of traffic and city life outside that I had grown so accustomed to. We turned onto my street and slowly came to a stop outside my building. I gave the driver a twenty dollar bill and let him keep the change before getting out of the car and walking inside. I took the elevator up and embraced the natural quiet that I was so used to after Harry and I split. Being alone was a constant reminder that he was gone and was never coming back. I didn't trust him anymore, but I wanted him more than ever. I opened my door and almost tripped on a letter. There were never letters in my apartment, they all were in a P.O. box so that my house wasn't flooded with envelopes. For Taylor, it read. I opened it and a letter and a CD came out. I unfolded the letter.

Dear Taylor,
I'm sorry for being so harsh earlier, the truth is I couldn't bear not being with you again. I've spent my life trying to find you and have you back into my arms and I expected that you had done the same, but I was wrong. I will wait forever for you, but I won't make another move unless you make one first. I only want you to be in my life and to be happy. As long as I get to see your beautiful smile, I am content. I hope that you will forgive me.
~ Adam

I immediately felt remorse for being so rude and for writing 'Bad Blood' for him. I guess I was just caught up in a moment and not thinking about his side of the story. I looked at the CD. It said "Acceptable in the 80's - acoustic demo"on the front and on the back it said "For you" in the same handwriting as the letter.

It was acceptable in the 80s
It was acceptable at the time
It was acceptable in the 80s
It was acceptable at the time

I've got love for you
If you were born in the 80s, the 80s
I've got hugs for you
If you were born in the 80s, the 80s

I'll do things for you
If you were born in the 80s, the 80s
I've got hugs for you
If you were born in the 80s

It was acceptable in the 80s
It was acceptable at the time
It was acceptable in the 80s
It was acceptable at the time

I've got love for you
If you were born in the 80s, the 80s
I've got hugs for you
If you were born in the 80s, the 80s

I'll do things for you
If you were born in the 80s, the 80s
I've got hugs for you
If you were born in the 80s

It was slow and sweet with the gentle sound of a guitar playing in the background. I knew that this was never going to be released, which made the gesture even more meaningful. This guy really knew how to win over a girl's heart, but I still loved Harry and that was it. I felt bad for not wanting him after all he had done, but I needed time. I wasn't going to force myself to be in love with him because I would fall out of that easily, but I was willing to be friends with him because I knew that I could trust him and he would never leave my side. The only problem was that I didn't want to hurt him. I turned the page over and started to write.

Dear Adam or Calvin, whichever you prefer,
Thanks for the demo! I love the song and will be listening to this on repeat for a while now. I'm so sorry for being so rude this morning and I would love to be friends again! Maybe you could come to dinner at my place around 7:00? See you soon!
~ Taylor

I got in the elevator and went up to his floor and put the letter on the floor before going back downstairs. I was worried to see his reaction and especially scared about dinner tonight. Why had I done that? It would only confuse him as of whether we were just friends or not. I put the idea into the back of my mind as I pulled out and old makeshift book of all of my mother's old recipes. I turned to a page with one of my favorites and started to cook. Every thought escaped my mind while I was doing this, I just focused on the task at hand. I put the chicken in the oven and began to make a dessert. Then I realized that this is what I made Harry ye first time he came over for dinner. I scrapped the chicken and hurried out the door to go to the grocery store to get a steak. I called a taxi and quickly got in. They took me to the nearest whole foods and I rushed to find a decent steak. I had the rest of the ingredients at home so this was all that I needed, but it was taking me longer than it would a normal person because I had paparazzi stopping me at every turn. They were so annoying. I paid for the steak as far as humanly possible and ran outside into another taxi. I tapped my foot lightly on the ground, anxious about the time I had left before Adam came.
Once back inside my apartment, I pulled out all of my ingredients and put my now finished cake in the oven. I mixed the steak up in a rush and finally took the cake out and put the steak in. I had fifteen minutes before Adam would arrive and the steak would take at least twenty on high heat. Before I knew it the elevator door opened. "Hi, Adam."
"Hello, Taylor."

Hey! I hope you like this chapter! By the way, I know Acceptable in the 80's doesn't have an acoustic version and that steak probably take longer to cook than twenty minutes (actually I don't know that) but this is fiction. I hope that you all are doing well and I'll see you soon!

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