Awkward Occurances

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What was Adam - oh, I'm sorry, Calvin (note the sarcasm) - doing on tv? Why didn't text me or something? I knew he hadn't contacted me in about eight years, but really? I was in the music industry, so why wasn't I consulted before he started towards a career as a dj? I guess I just hated that I drifted apart from everyone that I cared about. Selena and I weren't friends anymore because we fought over she and Justin Bieber's on and off again relationship. Abigail was in Nashville. Harry just broke up with me. My only friends were my bandmates who were basically paid to be friends with me. Why couldn't I just be normal? Sometimes pursuing a career in the music industry was my biggest regret. I didn't have a life anymore. I didn't have any privacy, but my biggest fear, after being alone for my whole life, was hating my job. I love it, I just hate what it did to me. I love the fans, the performances, the award shows, everything except my horribly lonely personal life.
To calm myself, I step outside and walk to the nearest Starbucks to get my usual coffee, but it was quite the same without Harry. I ordered my drink and waited in line for it to be ready. "Hi, Taylor. I'm Samantha. I'm a huge fan. Could I please take a picture with you?" I snapped the picture with the little girl before she walked away with her mom, giddy with excitement. The barista calls my name and I get my drink. I headed out the door, eager to get away from the crowds and go home before the paparazzi come. The cool winter air struck my face and the snow blinded my vision. Apparently, while I was getting coffee, a storm started. I wandered through the blizzard wearily and rather annoyed.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." A rather familiar voice said, but I couldn't make out the face through the snow. His eyes lingered. "Taylor?"
"If you're asking for an autograph, I'm sorry, but this is really bad timing." I tried to sound polite but the words came out colder than ice.
"No, it's Adam." He smiled down at me and I suddenly recognized the man standing in front of me. The man who once was everything to me, but now is nothing, just a vague memory of a fairytale.
"Oh, hey! Good to see you!" I said. I really wasn't glad to see him. He was the last person I wanted to see, even after Harry and that said a lot. I gave him hug, being the rather huggable person that I am, and reminisced to the times when this was normal. I pulled away quickly and awkwardly. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I got a record deal and they told me I had to move to Los Angeles, so now I'm here." He told me. My heart dropped. That would mean I'd have to see him again.
"Oh, cool! Where's your apartment?" I was doing a really good job at acting like I actually cared.
"Just five houses down from here." Then, suddenly I did care. We lived in the same building.
"Oh, me too! Why don't we go there to escape the cold?" I asked and he laughed. There was an eerie, uncomfortable silence that I hated. Why did this have to be my life? Why did Adam have to move to Los Angeles? I trudged through the snow, remembering the way we used to hold hands and talk when we were together. It was so different now, but the worst part was realizing how much we had changed in the ten years we were apart.
"About ten years ago. I know I'm going to sound like a total bitch, but can we keep it a secret? The press would make it sound totally different and I just don't want that to be twisted?" I asked nervously. I knew he would take it the wrong way or be hurt because that's what everyone does.
"Of course. I understand. I know you get a lot of negativity and I wouldn't want to be the cause of anymore." Now, that was unexpected, but it made me happy to know that after ten years, he still cared. I couldn't thank him enough.
"Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you so much." I said and he smiled.
"No problem and by the way, you didn't sound like a bitch when you said that. You sounded like a broken girl saving herself from more pain."
"You have no idea." I told him, finally smiling.
"How are things with you?" He asked, sounding like he genuinely cared. We walked into his apartment and sat down on a couch. The decorations were just like I thought they would be, edgy and modern.
"Well, Harry just broke up with me and tried to get me back, I declined, I saw you interview, the whole world hates me, and I have no friends."
"You have me and the the whole world doesn't hate you. If it did, how would you sell so many records and win so many award? Why would Harry have dated you? Why would Harry try to get back together? How would you have so many fans? Sold out shows? Why would I be talking to you?" I instantly felt better, like I did ten years ago. I felt more confident and less lonely.
"You don't even know how much more confident that made me feel. Thank you so much for saying that. It means a lot."
"Taylor, I know this is the worst timing in the world. I know you probably hate me and think that I hate you, too. Tay, I regret breaking up with you. I hate myself for doing it. I miss you so much. That's why I started djing. I knew that if I made it in the music industry, I would see you again. I want you back, Tay. Please, could I have one more chance?" He leaned in to kiss me, but I backed away. My heart dropped and I felt nauseous.
"Adam, I just broke up with Harry and I haven't seen you in ten years. I'm sorry, but no."

Hello! I'm sorry this took forever to upload, I've had awful writers block so this chapter wasn't very good. Yes, I know it doesn't snow very much in California, but pretend it does. I live in Chicago, a.k.a Chiberia, so I wasn't really thinking when I wrote it. I'll upload the next chapter soon! I hope you all are doing well! I have three more days of school left so I'm super excited! What are all of you doing for the summer?
- Caroline

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