Chases and Movies

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The man from customs was here and he was waving at me. My heart dropped in my chest and I felt like I was going to puke. Why was he here for me? I ran back into the hotel and over to the elevator and pressed the up button. Every second seemed to go by way too slowly as the elevator came down, but it didn't come down soon enough. The man and followed me. I sprinted away and into an open elevator on the other end of the lobby. Just as I thought I had gotten away from him, he ran in while the doors were closing and then we were stuck together with a random family. Luckily, he couldn't do anything with the other people there. I got off the elevator at the same floor as the family when I heard the man say, "This is your floor, Tay." How did he know my name? And more importantly, how did he know which floor I was on. I raced through the hallway, weaving in and out of people, trying to find the stairs. I finally found them and ran down them two at a time. One step. Two steps. Three steps. Four steps. Five steps. I just couldn't go fast enough and I kept feeling like I was going to fall flat on my face or tumble down all of the stairs. After I eventually got down the stairs I ran out of the hotel and into the streets of London. I went through random alleys, turned onto several streets I had never even heard of, and got more looks from people than I think I ever have in my entire life. I saw a taxi and got in, demanding that he take me back to the hotel as fast a possible. I knew that going back to the hotel would be the obvious move, but at least I would get there before the man would. My heart was pounding and I was sweating and I wanted to break down crying, but I couldn't, not yet. I arrived at the hotel and jumped up the stairs and went to the front desk. I told them all about the man and they called the police. I waited and waited, dreading the moment he would get here and abduct me before the police had even gotten a look at him. Luckily, that wasn't the case. The police, as if on cue, walked in just as the man did. I showed them him and they went on a wild goose chase, trying to catch him. The police finally got a hold of the man and cuffed his wrists together so that they could escort him to the police car. My stalker was gone forever or at least I hoped.
Since the man was gone and I had nothing to worry about, I went up to my room and texted Adam. 'Hey.' I texted him. I waited back for what seemed like an eternity for him to text back.
'Hey.' Finally, he replied. I desperately needed someone to talk to.
'I saw the guy from customs.' He started typing back as soon as the message was delivered.
'Are you ok?' I could just imagine his voice panicking in my ear.
'Yeah. I got a nice tour of London while running away. ;)' Joking about the frightening events that just took place.
'Should I come and get him?' Thank goodness the police came or that wouldn't have ended well.
'The police beat you to it.' Definitely wouldn't have ended well.
"What hotel are you at?" I texted him my hotel and he told me he was on his way over here. Should I have not told him about the man? It seemed to have freaked him out. Did I just really mess up? I never could be very sure. I never have been very good at the whole 'understanding guys' thing. I heard a knock on my door and quickly got up to get it.
"Oh. Hi, Adam!" I said nervously. He didn't respond, he just wrapped his arms around me. I definitely frightened him, but maybe I didn't mess up too badly. His embrace comforted me more than anything in the world.
"What about a movie night?" He asked.
"Sure." I replied. The idea sounded like fun, I just didn't know what he would like.
"What do you have?" What did he expect? This was a hotel room, not my house.
"Nothing here." I said, a little bit embarrassed by my lack of movies. After realizing we had nothing to watch, Adam and I went down the elevator and walked out of the hotel and into a taxi to go to the nearest movie rental place. We got out of the taxi and walked in, only to be overwhelmed by dozens of racks of movies. Letting our inner two year old out, we both sprinted in opposite directions to go discover the contents of the store.
After a lot of running through the store and getting several looks from other customers, we finally chose to get American Beauty because it won a bunch of Academy Awards and both of us hand seen it yet, Carrie because Adam was in the mood for a classic horror movie, West Side Story because I was going to watch it when Adam wasn't there, True Crime because I love crime movies and it looked interesting, and a Clueless and Sixteen Candles combo set, just in case Adam was craving a chick flick or I was. We lugged around the many movies until we finally found are way through the maze of shelves to the front counter. Adam laughed at my movie decisions and then he took out Spider-Man 1 and 2 and I started to tease him back. He graciously paid because I hadn't had the chance I convert my money from dollars to pounds, yet. We exited the store talking and laughing about random stupid things that we'd done before and I unraveled the stories from his past while he put together mine. I never wanted this moment to end. After so much searching, I had finally found a true friend and it was the first time that I wasn't trying. It wasn't even like Abigail and I's friendship. With her I had to try to impress her so that we wouldn't drift apart, but with Adam, it was just him and me, the real me. We got in the first taxi we saw and laughed the whole way home.

Hey! Thanks for reading this and I'm sorry it's later than I meant it to be. I had play practice until 6:00 on Monday-Thursday because it's the week of the play and volleyball from 7:15-9:15 on Monday and Wednesday. Play (the actual one) from 5:00-9:30 (it was that long because we had to get ready) on Friday. A volleyball tournament from 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM and play from 5:00 - 9:30 on Saturday. And play from 12:30-5:30 today plus loads of homework. So I've been super busy, but volleyball's ending this week and play ended today, so I promise I'll upload more often from now on.

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