Girl's Night, Cat Fight

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Rita walked in with her usual bright smile, making be a little more angry by the second. She gave me a hug and I showed her where to put her stuff. She was super polite - even more annoying - and I couldn't help but picture her all of Adam - I internally wanted to rip out her insides - which made my knuckles white from clenching my fists so hard and Rita ask if anything was wrong. I was exhausted from thinking about Adam all night; of course I looked through all of the pictures we had together as well. We were made for each other but Rita took that away. "Tay, what do you want to do for dinner?" She asked, being her usual annoying, boyfriend-stealing self.
"I'm going to call for pizza. Is that okay with you?" If she gave one of her usual innocent, perfect, polite answers, I think I would puke.
"Anything is fine with me. Whatever you want." Queue the barfing.
"Okay. I'll call right now." I took my phone out of my back pocket and dialed the number while Rita waited with a devilish grin.

The pizza finally came and Rita and I were actually having a decent time. It was a miracle and a curse all at once. We told funny stories for so long that if I heard another one I think I would die from laughter. I was caught between loving her and absolutely loathing her. I couldn't make up my mind. I thought that I should just give her a chance and maybe I could get over Adam because I wouldn't want to hurt my friend, although it sounded unlikely.
I paid the pizza man and we sloppily sat down on the floor and ate, just because it was the fun way. We started talking again about random things like TV shows that we liked and weird experiences with fellow celebrities, apparently we'd both had quite a few. I found out that Rita was all caught up with Grey's Anatomy like I was and was so excited for the next episode, which she didn't realize came out that night. We decided on watching it, it started at 8:00, but first we were going to bake cookies to kill time and then make popcorn. "Alright. Let's start with the cookies. I honestly have a whole bin full of the ingredients because I make them so much." I told her. I walked into my gigantic pantry, which I loved so much, and pulled out the bin labelled 'cookies'. We started to mix the ingredients that I knew the quantity and order for each one. Suddenly, as Rita was putting flour in the mixing bowl, she sneezed and blew flour all over me.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry-" She began, but she was stopped by me blowing flour right back at her. I laughed and so did she as be both grabbed handfuls of flour and started throwing it at each other. We ran around the kitchen chasing each other, ready to throw the ingredient but also leaving a trail of it on the floor behind us.

The episode of Grey's Anatomy ended and I took our dishes of popcorn and desserts on the counter next to my sink so that I would remember to wash them. "What do you want to do?" I asked Rita. Since I didn't know her very well, finding something that she would like to do would be difficult.
"Do you want to tell secrets?" She asked. There was a look in her eye that made my gut tell me to say no, but I couldn't tell what it was.
"Um, sure." I responded warily.
"Ok, so we have to light candles and do it in the dark to make it more intense." To me this sounded like a load of rubbish, but I knew that she probably would make me do it anyway so I found some candles and a lighter and met Rita in my room. "So, I'll go first." Rita said after helping me light candles and putting each one in the 'perfect' place. She paused for a moment and then with a gleeful smile on her face told me, "I slept with Adam last night." My mouth dropped and I felt completely and utterly betrayed.
"WHAT?!?" I asked her.
"It was so fun. Oh my god, and he was like-," She started. That was not the Adam that I knew.
"Hold on a second. I need to go to the bathroom really badly so I'll be right back and then you'll have to tell me all about it." I stood up and 'accidentally' hit Rita's chin while standing up. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I asked, attempting to play up the frantic apologetic fear in my voice.
"Yeah I think I'm alright. It just hurts a little bit. I might use up all of my foundation and concealer trying to cover up the bruise!" She said, fake laughing. "I'm going to go get some ice. Can you help me find it?" She asked and stood up stomping on my foot. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"
She told me.
"I guess we're even." I told her trying to smile.

Rita POV
Of course she didn't accidentally hit me and I didn't actually not mean to destroy her foot. I knew that she loved Calvin-I mean Adam, it's so hard for me to remember to call him that and I know that it annoys the hell out of Taylor-which is why I made up that we slept together. Obviously, we didn't. He got all embarrassed and defensive if we accidentally touched each other. I'd never even been to his apartment and he had never been to mine. The amount that I hated Taylor was insane. I was only dating Calvin to mess with her, but the more she thought that we were in love with each other, the better. I needed her out of the music industry so that I could finally rise to the top, and the only way to do that was to ruin her image and her heart.

GUYS I'M SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN AGES!!! I'm on vacation and the house that I'm at doesn't have wifi and I used up all of my data, my month thing just ended so I finally can upload! Thanks for waiting and I'll try to update really soon! How did you like me adding Rita's POV? See you soon! ~Caroline

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