Happily Never After

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Adam POV

I woke up with a start with all of the bad memories from last night flooding my brain. Taylor didn't even care about me. One minute she was offering to come into the studio with me and the next she wanted nothing to do with me. I didn't know how to feel. Confused, sad, angry, they all worked for me. I changed into a t-shirt, jeans, a leather jacket, and sneakers before finishing getting ready and trying to force down breakfast, but I just wasn't hungry.
I rushed to my car to try and get to the studio before Taylor did. Nerves were swarming inside of me like a beehive. What was I going to do? I had to spend hours with a girl I could barely even look at, if she even felt that she could take a step down from her throne to look at me. I was lost in a world of confusion and hurt and I couldn't get out of it. I was done trying with her, no matter how much I loved her. I drove and drove and decided to go to Starbucks. The caffeine might wake me up and ease my pain. I walked inside and saw exactly the girl I wanted to see. Rita Ora. She was desperate, a rising star, and I knew her because I saw her when I was doing my interview, hers was right before mine. It was perfect. "Hey, Rita!" I called out to her. She turned around and waved, blushing slightly.
"Hello, Calvin!" She said. She didn't know that my real name was Adam, and to make Taylor even more jealous I was going to let her call me that.
"Please, call me Adam. Do you want to grab a coffee?" I asked her. A smile disguised my misery.
"Of course!" By this point she was red as a tomato and it kind of bothered me. We ordered our coffees and sat down.
"Rita, I've been thinking about you a lot lately and it took me a while to get the courage to ask you this. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Oh how cliché. The lie burned my insides knowing how much it would hurt her if she knew I loved Taylor.
"Yes!" She practically shouted. We finished our coffees and Rita gushed about how cute of a couple we were and how she'd been waiting for me to ask her out.
"I've got to the studio to work on my new album, but why don't you meet me for dinner tonight?" I asked her. She nodded and kissed my cheek in goodbye before I drive away. This was awful and it made me hate Taylor even more.

Taylor POV

I was so excited and nervous to meet Adam today. I had this gut feeling that he had a crush on me because of the way he looked last night at dinner. It was perfect. This was going to be like a fantasy. I was going to apologize and go running into his arms and he was going to kiss me and we were to live happily ever after. I spent ages trying to pick an outfit to wear. Should I just look casual? Should I look romantic and flirty? I put on my most romantic makeup with a gloss, instead of my usual trademark red lip. I ate barely any breakfast, I was too happy to digest anything properly. I rushed out the door and literally ran into Rita Ora. She was glowing and looked like she was on cloud nine, but there was no way she could be as happy as me. "Sorry, Rita!" I exclaimed.
"No, my bad, sorry!" She replied.
"Hey, we should grab coffee tomorrow!" I told her.
"Definitely! See you there!" She said. I got in my car and left to go to the studio. I turned on the radio and the most cheerful music was playing. I belted the words and drummed my fingers as I got lost in traffic. I was ecstatic. I would be back with the boy of my dreams so soon. I felt so stupid for not realizing that he was the one sooner. All of my other fiasco relationships, this being the worst train wreck, were nothing compared to this one, with the level of passion and love. I knew that this was going to be my last relationship and that it would start again today. The traffic cleared and I continued driving and singing until I got to my destination. I grabbed all of my things and headed inside, so eager to rush back into Adam's arms. I walked to the front desk and asked them where he was. I looked and looked until I finally found him. I stood there for a moment watching him. He looked so cute with his headphones on and being so engrossed in his music. I walked in and he turned the music off. "Hi!" I said. He glanced back at me.
"Hey." He replied. He definitely was mad at me.
"Adam, I'm really sorry. It must seem like I hate you and am embarrassed to be around you, but that's not true. I just don't want the press to rip us apart, that's still no excuse. I owe you a huge apology for being so harsh. I wasn't thinking about how that would make you feel and I'm so sorry. I was being stupid and cruel." I felt like the moment I was waiting for was coming soon. Very soon.
"Apology accepted." He told me. I smiled up at him.
"There's something else. Adam, I missed you so much. I miss kissing you under lampposts and holding heads under the tables at The Coffee Pot. I miss the phone calls and you telling me to wait for you to come home to me. I miss you, Adam." I poured my heart out to him. I didn't even look to see his reactions before reaching up to kiss him, just like I had planned. The only way the plan strayed was that he pulled away.
"Taylor, I'm sorry. I miss being sixteen, too, but those days are over. You missed your chance. I'm with someone else now." My heart shattered in my chest and I could feel the little breakfast I had coming up in my throat.
"Who?" I asked. The words barely escaped my lips, but I didn't know why I had asked, I didn't want to know.
"Rita Ora."

Hey! I hope you all are doing well and enjoyed this chapter! What's going to happen when Taylor has to have coffee with Rita? I feel bad for Taylor! (Well, the character, anyway.) By the way, when I said that Rita was desperate, please don't think that I mean it. This is a character, not the real Rita. I'm sure Rita's a lovely person, but I've never met her, so I couldn't say. See you soon! ~ Caroline

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