Sixth Street

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I never would believe it, even if I told myself a thousand times, but I think I liked Adam more than just a friend. He was the nicest person I had ever met and I met him three days ago. But, if I only met him three days ago, I couldn't like him like that? I kept tossing and turning in my bed with thoughts like these taking over my brain until I finally fell asleep.

Adam POV
I couldn't believe it. I was sleeping in my crush's hotel room. Sure, I had just met her thee days ago, but I couldn't get my mind off of her. The second I saw her wandering around confused at the airport, I got this feeling like I was just being pulled towards her like gravity, like I was meant to be with her. Usually, I'm the hard core, punk rock kind of guy, but Taylor brought out a whole new soft side of me that I had never seen before. She definitely didn't like me like that, but I sure did. Why couldn't she understand how I felt? I thought I would be left dropping hints until the end of the summer. I just couldn't stop thinking about her, until finally, my eyes fluttered closed and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Taylor, please don't go back to America. Tay, I'm going to miss you so much. I don't know what I'm going to do." I had tears on the brims of my eyes and Taylor was already crying.
"I'm going to miss you Adam. We have to stay in touch. I don't want to have to leave you. We'll stay in touch. I promise and maybe I can come visit you in Scotland for Christmas." She choked out in between tears.
"But Taylor, it would be so much easier if we could just stay here together. We wouldn't ever worry about anything again. Why don't you want that?" I said, feeling the salty tears slip out of my eyes at last and it just made Taylor cry harder. I didn't want to leave her.
"I do want that. I want that so badly, but it's not possible. We just have to stay in touch and hope for the best. I love you, Adam. Goodbye." She put her hands on my cheeks and leaned in to kiss me and then she left. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I woke up with wet tears on my face and my heart sinking after and faster in my chest. I didn't get to say goodbye to her. I went to go downstairs by myself for the first day without Taylor and then she came in. Wait, what was she doing here? She just left yesterday? I ran over and gave her the biggest hug. "You're here! You didn't leave!" I exclaimed. Her lips turned into a frown and she pulled the most confused face I have ever seen.
"What are you talking about? This is my hotel room, why wouldn't I be here?" She asked, giggling to herself.
"Oh, weird dream. Never mind." I told her and we both started laughing. That's so weird. It seemed so real. Then it hit me, I course it wasn't real because in the dream she kissed me. She would never do that, no matter how much I wanted her to.

Taylor POV
Adam was acting kind of weird. Something was definitely going on and I became more concerned by the second. He looked upset about something. I grabbed his hand and skipped down the hall to the elevator to get breakfast and I saw light return to his eyes and they sparkled the way they did when he was really genuinely happy. I couldn't help but want to kiss him right then and there, but I knew that it would ruin everything. Our whole friendship would be demolished in the blink of an eye and I didn't even like him like that. Did I?

Adam POV
I really wanted to kiss her. To hold her in my arms and know that she cared about me the way that I cared about her. To know that she felt safe. I don't have anything to lose, trying to convince myself to do it didn't work. I knew that I had everything to lose. I could lose her. She was all I wanted and I didn't want her to be all that I missed and all that I failed at, as well.
Taylor and I had breakfast down at the hotel buffet in the lobby and we quickly went outside to explore the crazy city known as London. We walked through tourist attractions and saw historic buildings, but our favorite part was discovering sixth street back by her hotel. It was a small street, just a crossroad between two winding paths that lead straight to downtown London, where we had just come from. It had pastel colored buildings that looked like they had come out of a painting or a picture book. There were beautiful old-fashioned lampposts and wooden signs next to the doorways showing the names of the place. We saw a sign that read "The Coffee Pot" and we stepped inside. We were both inconceivably hungry after a long day of trekking around London and thought that getting a snack and some coffee would be a good idea. Taylor ordered what she referred to as 'the usual', which was a skinny vanilla latte and I got an americano. We sat a wooden table in the middle of the vacant shop to wait for the server to bring us our drinks. We both already had gotten our snack of old-fashioned glazed donuts, which Taylor declared were the best thing she had ever eaten. I never understood how one person could look so beautiful while devouring a donut. She literally was eating it faster than I've ever seen anyone eat anything and she managed to look drop dead gorgeous. I could hardly eat because I was so focused on Taylor, every word I said needed to be perfect. It was the only way that I had a shot at being with her. The waitress brought us our drinks and we waited for them to cool while we talked about school and Taylor ate her second doughnut.

Taylor POV
We got up to leave the cute little restaurant and thanked the waitress. We probably had been in the coffee shop for a good two hours, judging on how much the light had changed. The sun was setting and the sky looked so picturesque. There was a rainbow of every shade of pink, orange, and yellow that you could imagine painted in the sky. It was gorgeous and Adam and I both just took a second to stare at it in complete awe. We just stood under one of the lampposts and gaped at the sun. "It's not as beautiful as you are." Adam commented. I blushed and nervously predicted what was going to happen in the next thirty seconds, when he placed his hand on my cheek and leaned in towards me.

Hey! I hope you guys had a good week and enjoy this chapter! It's not going to take place in England with Taylor being fifteen an Adam being sixteen for very much longer (I know that Adam is actually six years older than Taylor, but it would be illegal for them to like each other in this part of the story so I just made him one year older so that it works). So, if you're sick of the sappy teen love story, it will be over soon. I promise :) - Caroline

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