The End of the Beginning

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Taylor POV
The way his lips felt against mine was magical. I had never felt anything like it. I wrapped my hands around his neck and our lips continued to move in sync. I could feel my cheeks redden, but I didn't care. In this moment, all of my worries escaped me and I was finally free. Everything felt like a dream and then we pulled apart, breathless and I stared into his eyes that were prettier than the sunset.
We laced our hands together and walked back towards the hotel. I couldn't have imagined the night going any better. We turned off of Sixth Street and talked about how pretty it was and how we had to come back tomorrow.

*three weeks later*
Laying in my bed in the middle of the night, it finally sank in. I had one week left with Adam. One week. I might never see him again after that. I felt a single year roll down my cheek, but I didn't care. I just didn't care anymore. I was about to lose the one thing that kept me together. What was I going to do without him? I felt equally sad and mad. I wanted to stay. Stay here forever with him because he was all I needed. I got out of her and went to the other part of my hotel suite and found a Keurig. I put a cartridge of coffee in it and pressed a few buttons that were lit in the darkness. I knew that I wouldn't be sleeping tonight, so the caffeine intake didn't really matter to me. The coffee slowly dripped into my mug like raindrops on the sidewalk and then I started the flashback.

"Adam! Wait for me!" Why had we decided to walk into London today of all days? It had started to drizzle, but judging from the clouds overhead, it was about to start pouring in about five minutes.
"Alright. Let's just walk home. If it rains, it rains. We're closer to my place so we can just go there." He waited until I caught up with him and wrapped his arm around me, only to notice that I was shivering. He took his jacket, that he was smart enough to bring, and put it over my shoulders. I clumsily slipped the gigantic jacket on and placed my arm back around his waist. The water slowly got heavier until it was a complete downpour.

Why couldn't we make memories like that everyday? Why couldn't we be a normal couple that lived in the same city, or at least country? I grabbed my coffee and just cried. I knew I had thought I didn't care about anything anymore, but it was wrong. All wrong. I cared about Adam. I loved him, but that never was going to fix the fact that in a few days there would be an entire ocean between us. Definitely not ideal. I watched the clouds move across the sky, jut waiting for the sun to come up so that I could see Adam again. I put in a random movie that Adam and I had rented to pass the time; sleep was out of the question at this point.

Several hours later, I heard a knock on my door, only to open it and see my favorite person, Adam. He looked as concerned as ever with a frown spread across his face as soon as he saw the dark bags under my eyes and my knotted hair, which basically have away the events of my night. "Hey, Adam." I said wearily as I stumbled over to greet him. My balance was off and I tripped, but luckily, Adam caught me.
"Tay, what's wrong?" He asked, looking at me with genuine concern. I yawned.
"Rough night, I guess. I couldn't fall asleep." I told him to disguise the fact that I was actually just dreading going home in a week. What I said wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the full truth. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt salty tears fall down my cheeks and onto his shirt. How was I going to live without these moments.
Adam and I sat down on the couch and put in another movie, but that was all that I could remember.

Adam POV
Taylor fell asleep on my lap, and not feeling like watching the cheesy chick flick she put on, I just watched her and thought about what it was going to be like without her. When she started crying I wanted to cry with her, but I knew that it would somehow make it harder for her. God only knows that I've been crying at night, too. Taylor hasn't only become a part of my life, but a part of me. Without her, I was going to feel like there was something missing, like I was lost, and I knew it already. I loved her smile, her adorable dimples, her sparkling eyes, she way her hand fit perfectly in mine, the way that I was one of the very few guys that was taller than her, her charming personality, the fact that she was everything I had ever wanted and I didn't even realize until I met her. She meant the world to me. How was I going to let that go?

*the next day*
As soon as I woke up, I got on a random t-shirt and jeans and ran to the elevator in my hotel. I frantically pressed the down button and began waiting. One...two...three... I kept counting but the elevator never seemed to come. I started pressing the button over and over again like a two year old to pass the time and maybe hurry the elevator. It finally comes and I press the lobby but and hope the elevator decides to be fast for once, but no. It takes it's own sweet time and goes slower than usually. What a joy. As soon as the elevator opens, I sprint out the front and push some people aside to get into the first taxi I see. I may come off as rude, but I need to spend as much time as possible with my girlfriend. I get in the taxi and give the driver the address to Taylor's hotel, impatiently waiting for him to get through loads of traffic.
I arrived at her house just in time for us to walk to The Coffee Pot on Sixth Street to get breakfast. We arrived at the coffee shop only to see a "going out of business" sign. We walk inside, while Taylor looks like she's on the verge of tears and I feel absolutely clueless. This was our place. Our fairytale. All of the fond memories were soon to fade with the shop. We ordered drinks and got donuts for breakfast. The server told us that it was closing in five days, not including today. That was the day Taylor was leaving. Taylor looked at the floor solemnly and I thought about what it would be like to love here with her, live in our fantasy forever.

*five days later*
Taylor POV

It was my last day in England. My last day with Adam. I was a mess. I had to go to the airport in and hour and I was hardly ready to leave, and by that I mean packed; I would never be ready to leave, but I knew it was going to have to happen eventually. I heard a knock on my door and opened it. It was Adam, looking as sad, tired, and worn-put as ever. He pulled me into a tight hug and I knew that this would be my breaking point. I anticipated the salty tears that I was all too familiar with, until at last, they came. There was a stain on Adam's shirt, showing where I had been crying. We laced our hands together and walked to Sixth Street for the last time.

Adam POV
The drive to the airport was the quietest Taylor and I have ever been with each other. An eerie silence filled the car, Taylor was soaking in the view of England for the last time. I could tell that she probably crying a little bit, but I didn't want to disturb her because she finally looked at peace with the fact that she was going home. The car pulled to a stop in front of the airport. "Taylor, please don't go bak to America. Tay, I'm going to miss you so much. I don't know what I'm going to do." I had tears on the brims of my eyes and Taylor was already crying.
"I'm going to miss you Adam. We have to stay in touch. I don't want to have to leave you. We'll stay in touch. I promise and maybe I can come visit you in Scotland for Christmas." She choked out in between tears.
"But Taylor, it would be so much easier if we could just stay here together. We wouldn't ever worry about anything again. Why don't you want that?" I said, feeling the salty tears slip out of my eyes at last and it just made Taylor cry harder. I didn't want to leave her.
"I do want that. I want that so badly, but it's not possible. We just have to stay in touch and hope for the best. I love you, Adam. Goodbye." She put her hands on my cheeks and leaned in to kiss me and then she left. I didn't even get to say goodbye. It was just like the nightmare I had that night at the beginning of the trip, reminding me that all happy beginnings come to a dreadful end, or so it seemed. Taylor disappeared into the crowd of people and I was left alone in the middle of a foreign country, feeling hopeless and heartbroken.

GUYS, I REACHED 1K READS!!!!! Thank you so much to all of you who have taken the time I read this story. I honestly never though 10 people would read it, but now 1,000 have. I can't even believe it. Well, sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I've been super busy with schoolwork and sports but I'm free most nights now so that I can upload more frequently. This is the end of the first part, which is them as teens, so now it will be more current and less like hopeless romantic teenagers. I hope you've enjoyed it so far and again thanks so much for reading it!

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