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Namjoon Pov

Just before noon Hoseok approached me and explained the whole situation more in-depth, that he had just currently done something so that classes can be run but the whole wire system needs to be changed before something dangerous happens. Then he kinda sheepishly approached me and said, "I am also sorry for my yesterday's behavior. My daughters had a parent-teacher meeting. They shifted to a new school and living with me, you know how pre-teen girls are."

I asked curiously, "How many daughters do you have? You look my age." He smiled and said, " I am 32 years old. actually, I and their mother were teenagers when we had them. They're twins."

Then I said, "Are the girls causing trouble? Why are you so worried?" He said, " NO no! actually my girls are gifted. They always come first and second. One is a good dancer, one got gold medals in math olympiads." I was impressed, " Oh wow! amazing kids. Then why are you worried?" 

"This is what I wanted to ask actually that, do you know any good private tutors, their teacher said, they can go further with special help, like in ivy league universities. I am not into education so I don't know about this stuff. Plus private coaching centers are fucking expensive and they don't even take care of hell lot of students".

I don't know why but I had this urge to help him out and I almost blurted out, " Hey I think I can help. I am a college assistant professor and my noona is famous cardiologist Kim Moonbyul. I think we can help with the education part and our fees are not too high".

He spread his world's most beautiful smile again and said, "Oh God! You are really going to do that! I can't tell you how grateful I am"

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He spread his world's most beautiful smile again and said, "Oh God! You are really going to do that! I can't tell you how grateful I am". Then I said Okay I will ask my noona when kids can come for tuition and I will call you. I talked to noona, she was my teacher and even though she's a doctor her inner teacher just danced with joy and we informed Hoseok to bring the kids tomorrow at 6 pm to our house.

 I met the kids, they're 11, both had thick black long hair, and they're identical twins. Woo In is quiet, she's the older one, well for 5 minutes. She's so far a very good student not good in math but her sense of art, history, and literature are mindblowing.

Woo In talks very slowly and shyly and almost hesitates to ask questions while taking the lessons, but I made her feel comfortable and told her that asking questions is a way of learning philosophy and liberal arts better. Ji Woo is the younger one and boy oh boy does she talk, she can talk nonstop, almost like she was talking on herself and her sister's behalf as well. After my lesson ended they started their lesson from noona, Ji woo became an instant fan of noona because she wants to become a doctor too.

Ji Woo told their life story in one short breath, like, their mom is in jail, that's why they came to Seoul to live with their dad. That she's being strong for both the sisters and their father, this sentence broke me because I know how hard it is to grow up with negligent parents. But she always giggles, and turns her trauma into jokes, she has her father's smile.

After lessons for the day ended Hoseok came to pick the girls up and noona invited them for our Sunday brunch. He hesitated at first but the girls were smitten by noona and they requested so hard that their father finally accepted the invitation. Finally, Sunday came and I was helping noona with cooking and she suddenly asked, " Do you have a crush on the dad?" My heart was on my mouth so I blurted, "What! No! He's a nice guy and a good father, but he's straight. I don't hit on straight guys, you know that."


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