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Namjoon POV

A year later Ji Woo and Woo In graduated middle school, with excellent grades and they joined the junior high school for math and dance. At their graduation party, noona attended with her platonic monogamous life partner, Sohyun. They were living together in aro/ace bliss.

Hoseok and I had found a few issues and struggled early on, but we loved each other so deeply, that we always found a way to fix them or get over them. I still saw my therapist once a week to deal with my childhood trauma. Noona usually came along every other session, as her work schedule permitted. 

She found she needed it nearly as much as I did. The twins and Hoseok came along a few times and Woo In decided she wanted to see a therapist for a while. Ji Woo was curious, but she didn't feel the need to seek therapy right then. 

We trusted them to make good decisions. The main crowd of party-goers left in the early evening and the six of us family members, now including Sohyun, had a big Japanese feast delivered as requested by the graduates. Ji Woo caught my eye as dinner wound down. 

I nodded and she tapped Woo In under the table. Noona and Hoseok looked suspicious immediately. The girls and I started clearing the table while Hobi and my sister led Sohyun into the living room where we were going to open some graduation gifts.

 The girls and I started clearing the table while Hobi and my sister led Sohyun into the living room where we were going to open some graduation gifts

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We all gathered around as Hoseok and I gave the girls a few small gifts. Noona got them gift cards and planned a trip to take them shopping in Tokyo over the summer for new school clothes. Everyone was happy and looking forward to everything in the future. 

Hoseok finally pulled out one last gift. It was bicycles for the twins that they always wanted. Hobi and I served up the six desserts and sat with the family. 

I excused myself to use the restroom. I went into our room and quickly changed into the suit I'd bought for the occasion. All dressed up, I returned to the living room. 

Everyone's head snapped around to see me in my finery. I approached Hoseok and took his hand, pulling him up to stand with me. "What's going on?" He said it quietly, for my ears only. 

I could only smile as my reply. "Hoseok, I've been in love with you since the second time we met. You and your daughters have made me happier than I ever imagined I could be."

I was crying by now and Hoseok's brown eyes blazed with intensity and unshed tears that threatened to fall at any second

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I was crying by now and Hoseok's brown eyes blazed with intensity and unshed tears that threatened to fall at any second. I knelt and pulled the box out of my jacket pocket. "Hoseok, I love you more than anything in the world. Will you marry me?"

Hobi bent down and scooped me up, pulling me to him. He kissed me like he did when we were alone. My heart raced and my body throbbed like it always did when he touched me with sexy intention.

"Yes, Joonie, I'll marry you, my love. Absolutely!" He nearly shouted the last word and then his lips were on mine again. We celebrated for a while longer and then Sohyun and noona went home and the girls went to meet up with friends and show off their cycles. As they were leaving Ji Woo couldn't help but call Hoseok and me out, as usual. 

"Woo Inaa, tonight's going to be a noise-canceling headphones kind of night." Woo In and Hobi rolled their matching brown eyes.

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