Chapter 3

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Marshall had no idea what was going to happen the next day. He DID know one thing though. That it was going to be hotter than yesterday, and was more than pleased when Ryder announced that they had the day off. Jumping into his fire truck, he drove down to the beach before Zuma could beat him to it. But someone got there before him.
"What are you doing down here, Everest?" Marshall asked.
Everest giggled.
"As much as I love being cold, I hate it when I'm hot."
Marshall laughed along with her.
"Yeah. Maybe this'll cool you off."
He barked, and the water cannons came swinging out. He aimed them as high as he could, then turned it on full blast. The water went straight up...then came pouring down on them like rain.
Everest barked happily.
"That's so awesome!!"
Marshall smiled and put the cannons away.
"It's how Chase and I cool ourselves down on a hot day."
"Aww!" The husky gushed. "How sweet!"
"Heh..." The fire pup chuckled.
"When are you gonna tell him?" Everest asked.
Marshall sighed.
"Soon...I hope."
"Well, you two were destined to be together. We all can see it. Even Ryder can see it."
"I'm sure he can."
"It's pretty obvious."
"I know."
"He doesn't like Skye like that."
"I know."
"You might lose him."
"Then I'll kill whoever takes him."
Everest laughed.
"I thought your paws upheld the laws."
"That's Chase's line."
"Well, all our paws uphold the laws."
"Chase's do mostly."
Everest laughed again, and Marshall smiled.
"Yep." Everest said. "You two are totally meant to be."
"I think so too."
"You gonna tell him?"
"Ugh!! You boys take so long!!"
"Have patience."
"I have none."
Marshall laughed.
"Now THAT'S obvious."

In the bushes, the Dalmatian and Husky were being closely watched.
"There he is." One pup, that looked just like Marshall whispered. It had dim, yellow eyes, and no collar. The other pup was a German shepherd, with dark brown eyes.
"I knew it." The shepherd snarled. "He's been here all along."
"Not for much longer." Marshall's look-alike said, putting on a evil smirk. "Our friends'll come and take him."
"This..." The shepherd began, "is gonna be rich."
"Yes..." The look alike whispered. "It's gonna be our best moment yet...and nobody...not even that police pup or human gonna ruin it."
"Yep..." The shepherd agreed. "And they're just gonna waste their time looking for him...long after he's dead and gone."

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