Chapter 8

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The fire pup was feeling more weak by the day. He hadn't had any water, barely any food, and his jaw was hurt from where Smokey had hit him. But, the worst part was that he had no one to talk to. He was incredibly lonely and he missed Chase terribly. He knew his best friend was probably sick with worry, and Marshall, even though he didn't want too, blamed himself for it. Marshall's heart stopped when he thought about Everest. He hoped she was okay. As much as the dalmatian thought about her, he started to develop a crush on her. He was sure he liked him back, but he couldn't be positive. And he was sure Chase liked Skye, but he couldn't be positive on that either. Maybe he and Chase would end up together, maybe not.
He wasn't sure about anything at the moment.
Marshall whimpered as he tried to steady his broken jaw. Smokey had hit him hard enough to dislocate it, and now, Marshall was hoping, PRAYING, that he would be left alone. But, his hopes were dropped when the door opened, and a German Shepard pup walked in. Marshall's eyes widened.
"Well well well," the Shepard said, "if it isn't the best friend of my idiotic little brother."
Marshall growled at the insult, but didn't say anything. Tracker chuckled darkly.
"Don't growl," he warned, "or I'll make sure your jaw actually breaks this time."
Marshall whimpered as Tracker took a step toward him. The German Shepard surveyed the damage to Marshall's jaw.
"Although, Smokey did a pretty good job."
Marshall wanted to growl again, but instead, tears started to form in his blue eyes. Tracker smirked as they spilled over.
"You may be a pup, but don't be such a crybaby. Young pups are weak."
"You're a pup too, moron." Marshall shot back.
Tracker growled and swiped at the Dalmatian's jaw, but Marshall moved out of his reach just in time. Tracker snarled, swiped at him again, and this time, he hit his target.
"Stupid mutt," he growled. "You just think you're so perfect don't you?"
Marshall felt tears pooling down his face from the pain. Tracker rolled his eyes.
He turned and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
Marshall sniffed as the salty tears kept coming.
"Why is nobody else here?" He asked randomly. "If Ryder does really love me...then...why am I alone?"
Marshall put his muzzle down on his paws.
"I hate being all alone...."
Marshall sighed, more tears escaping. He felt himself getting Dizzy. Shockingly, he realized he was passing out from the pain in his jaw.
"Ryder...." He whispered. "Rubble....Rocky....Skye....Zuma....
Marshall closed his eyes.

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