Chapter 6

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Marshall's eyes went wider than dinner plates when he heard that. Had he hears that right? His brother?!! THE brother that always tortured and hated him ever since he left for the PAW Patrol? But the fire pup had heard right. It WAS his brother. He backed up.
Smokey nodded.
"Welcome back to the land of the living."
"What...w-what do you want with me? Why are you here?!"
Smokey smirked.
"You know perfectly well why I'm here."
"No...I don't."
"Hm. Idiot. Anyway, I'm here to show you what you've put me through."
"Oh yeah. Blaming it on me again? It's never you, is it?"
Smokey shook his head sarcastically.
"Afraid not."
Marshall growled.
"Look Smokey. I don't know what I ever did to you. And I'm not up to deal with you. So just leave Adventure Bay, and me, alone."
"Leave YOU alone?!!" Smokey yelled, as if it was an insult. "You're so busy rushing around with your precious little team!! You get all the attention from Mom and Dad, and you guys are always the talk of the town!! Why don't you leave ME alone?!!"
"The popularity of the team is isn't up to me!" Marshall yelled back, angry for the first time in years. "It's how hard working and caring we are that everyone likes!! And Ryder deserves respect from all of us, since he's the one who brought us together in the first place!! He loves us, and we love him!!"
"Ryder doesn't LOVE you guys!" Smokey yelled, glaring at his younger brother. "He USES you guys to WORK for him!!"
"He doesn't use us for anything! We work for HIM!" Marshall argued. "He's like our foster parent! He's RESPONSIBLE for us! And we do all that we can, to show him how much we appreciate him!"
Smokey rolled his eyes.
"Yeah right. And you have the right to challenge your big brother, Marshall? Who do you think you are?!"
Marshall growled, his blue eyes fiery.
"Y'know what I think? I think I'm a pup who risks my life everyday, because there isn't another firefighter in Adventure Bay. I also think that I'm a pup who works hard to make sure everything is going good, and that people are all safe. I enjoy having friends and being nice to others, unlike you. I actually have a beating heart, and you've just got a dark spell in YOU. What are you compared to me, Smokey? You're nothing."
Smokey paw made contact with his brother's jaw, and there was a deafening crack. Marshall yelped and stumbled back.
"You've got no right to talk to me like that." Smokey growled. "I'm your big brother. I OUTRUN you. I'm in charge of you."
"Right. And you've done a great job at that by the way." Marshall said sarcastically.
Smokey snarled and walked out of the room.
Marshall whimpered at the pain in his jaw. He lay back down, tears escaping his light blue eyes.
"I-I...I wish Chase was here."
There was some sort of banging noise coming from the other side of the door,
and the fire pup stood up when he heard the sudden bang. He backed up from the sound, only to trip on the stainless steel water bowl on the floor, and fall flat onto his back.
"I'm good."

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