Chapter 7

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"Looks like his brother's at it again." Ryder said, looking at the information the camera's gave him. "And he's not alone..."
"WHAT?!!" Everest screamed, making everybody flinch. "Who's with his brother?!"
Ryder scrolled through the description, his eyes suddenly going wide.
"'s...Chase's brother too..."
All the breathing in the room hitched, sending the lookout into a pit of silence.
"WHAT?!!" Everest screamed again.
"Calm down." Ryder said gently. "I'm sure Marshall's fine..."
"But...Smokey AND Tracker?" Rocky whispered, shivering at the mention of Chase's brother's name. "Together? Ganging up on...Marshall?"
Ryder sighed and put a hand gently on Rocky's head.
"It's okay...the communication will come through soon...we'll get him back, pups. I promise."
Skye sniffed, a few tears escaping her eyes.
"I-I hope he's okay..."
"He's FINE." Ryder said, a little more harsh than he meant to.
And he wanted to believe it, but he wasn't sure if he could trust what he couldn't explain.
Zuma came running into the room, making all the pups, and Ryder, turn to him.
"Chase's awake."

Chase awoke from a very weird dream. He and Marshall were under a tree, it was dark out, and they had just admitted that they loved each other. They were leaning into each other, and nothing could ruin their moment. They were barely an inch apart, when there was a violent flash of light. Chase looked up, and saw Tracker, HIS brother, in Marshall's fire truck. The headlights were so bright it was unbearable. Chase shielded the light with his paw, but it wasn't enough. Tracker floored the truck, and the two pups screamed. The truck hit the tree, but Chase wasn't hurt.
Marshall was.

Chase opened his eyes to see his teammates standing around him.
"Welcome back." Rubble said quietly.
"W-What happened?" Chase asked, rubbing his head.
He looked around.
"W-Where's Marshall?"
Zuma looked down, trying to hide the tears in his eyes.
"H-His bwothew...Smokey...took him...he's gone..."
Chase froze.
Zuma let a few tears drop down to the floor.
"A-And...Twacker was with him..."
"TRACKER?!!" Chase screamed, making the pups jump.
The police pup took a few deep breaths, looking down at the ground in hate.
"Chase, calm down." Skye said sternly.
"You'll give yourself a heart attack."
"Sorry." Chase muttered.
"C'mon guys." Rubble said quietly. "Let's leave him alone."
The pups all trailed out after the bulldog, and Chase slammed his paw on the ground.
"If he lays on paw on MY best friend...I'm gonna hit him hard enough till he sees stars."
Chase felt his ears flatten against his head.
"Tracker...Smokey....I'm comin' for ya. You have no idea who you're messing with."
Chase looked out the window, noticing the sky was turning orange.
The sun was going down.
Chase growled, thinking about how Marshall could be hurt, and there was nothing he could do about it at the moment.
"Someone has to teach those two a lesson."
Chase looked down at his pup tag, his gold eyes burning with hate.
"And it looks like it has to be me."

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