Chapter 5

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The pups all stared at Everest.
"What do you mean GONE?" Zuma demanded.
Everest took a breath.
"Two weird guys pulled a gun on us, and then they told Marshall to go with them. They...k-kidnapped him..."
Everest burst into tears and jumped into Ryder's arms.
"I-It's all my fault!" She cried. "If I'd told them to go away-"
"Marshall would've wanted you to stay safe." Ryder said confidently, although Everest could see the worry in his eyes.
"Y-Yeah! I know!" Everest said, wiping away her tears. "But I shouldn't have listened to him!!"
"Tell us exactly what happened." Rocky said, staring over at Chase, who was still out cold.
"W-Well...M-Marshall and I were just walking around town, and there weren't any people around...which was weird. S-So, we stopped at a
s-sidewalk, and two muscular guys in leather came out and pulled a gun on us. M-Marshall stepped in front of me-
(She paused to blush)
-and they told Marshall to go with them. T-T-They told him that if he didn't come, they'd k-kill all his friends.
Then, Marshall told me to take his
f-fire truck and go to the l-lookout."
Ryder's eyes went wide.
"Skye...can you go...lock the doors please?"
Skye walked over to a control panel. Pressing a big yellow button, the whole lookout went into lockdown.
Ryder pressed a button on his pup pad, and the brightness made his face light up and his eyes glow.
"What are you doing, Ryder?" Rubble asked.
"I'm tracking his collar." Ryder replied.
The screen lit up again, but the signal was bad. Ryder couldn't tell what the screen was showing, and that worried him even more. So, he tried something else.
"What are you doing NOW, Ryder?" Rubble asked.
"I'm activating the cameras on his fire truck."
"Marshall has CAMERAS?!" Everest cried. "W-Why!?!"
"All your vehicles do." Ryder replied.
"I just disguised them pretty well."
The pups a fell silent at this. They all had cameras? This was new to them. Not to mention a little creepy.
"License plate number...." Ryder muttered, typing something into the pup pad.
He sighed.
"Well pups...good and bad news...I know where these crooks are...but Marshall could be in real trouble."
"Why?" Zuma asked, trembling on the spot.
Ryder sighed.
"I'll tell you guys once we find him. It's kinda difficult to explain..."

Marshall woke up in a dark room. The only source of light was a tiny window that was pretty far up the wall. The Dalmatian knew that his chances of escaping were slim.
"I might as well get some sleep." He told himself. "It'll pass the time."
He fell asleep twice, and when his eyes opened for the second time, it was because someone was shaking him
"Get up, Marshall."
Marshall got up on his paws, and faced his kidnapper. He was starting to feel scared.
" do you know my name?"
The pupnapper rolled his eyes.
"You knew me. We're related, you know."
"No were-" Marshall began, but his eyes suddenly went wide. The pup looked just like him, same fur pattern and everything. But he had no color, and his eyes were a dangerous, dark brown.
"It's me." The pup said. "Your brother."

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