Chapter 4

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Chase dipped a towel in a bucket of water and ran it over the windshield of his police car. Like Marshall had said, he had nothing else to do. And while he worked, he contemplated his thoughts, and his thoughts were focused on a certain fire pup.
'I swear, there's a fire burning inside me right now.' He thought. 'Now I know how Marshall feels.'
He sighed and swiped at the windshield again.
'I wonder if he likes me too...'
Chase looked up at the crisp blue sky, almost as if the answer was written in the clouds.
"Probably not." He sadly decided. "I'm all...serious and determined...he's and happy and loving....not to mention playful...."
Chase looked up at the sky again. It was a nice blue today. The same color of Marshall's eyes....
"And cute." He concluded.
He sighed happily and returned to washing his vehicle.
"I'm so glad I've got him in my life."
Chase's ears suddenly flattened against his head.
"If somebody ever tries to take him away from me, I'll kill them."
(Ironic huh?)
Chase wiped away a speck of mud he missed on the headlights.
"He's mine. And nobody else's."
He suddenly growled.
"And nobody is EVER gonna hurt him. And they're not gonna. Not on my watch."
Chase dipped the towel back in the bucket of water, then wrung it with his paws.
"And if they do..."
He wiped the side of the car, so clean that he could see his reflection staring back at him, copying his every move.
"They better pray I don't finish them off."

If you would have asked Marshall about what happened that day, he would've remembered every single molecule in the air. He and Everest were walking down the sidewalk, no people around, everything perfectly quiet.
"I love it here." Everest smiled. "Better than the freezing cold of my igloo back in the freezing Arctic."
Marshall laughed.
"Yeah...this is home. It's the best."
The two smiled and kept walking. When they reached a corner, there were still no people there, which was surprising to the pups. But two very muscular men wearing all leather stepped out from a dark alley.
"You Marshall?" One of them asked in a deep, gruff voice.
The fire pup wasn't sure if he should tell the truth, but he just did what he usually would've done.
"Yeah. That's me."
"Oh, good." The second man asked, with such a terrifying smile that Everest backed up. Marshall stood in front of her, blocking her from harm. Everest felt her face become instantly hot.
"We're glad we caught you." The first man said.
He pulled out a silver object that glinted in the sun, and the pups ducked as a loud report shattered the day's silence.
"You're coming with us." The men said, gesturing toward the fire pup.
"No I'm not." Marshall shot back, feeling braver than he felt.
"If you don't want your friends to die, you are." The first man growled.
Marshall could hear the men breathing, and he didn't dare lean out. He looked away for a second, panic clutching at his heart.
Everest gulped, her eyes wide. She backed up behind him.
Marshall took a deep breath, his position frozen stiff.
"Take my truck and go to the lookout."
"If you come with me, I'll have Ryder throw you off the team!"
But he regretted that at once as tears pooled up in her eyes.
"You better come back in one piece, ya hear me?" She whispered, the tears now running down her face.
Marshall nodded.
"I will. I promise."
Marshall let the men grab him and throw him in the back of a dirty, black, SUV. The driver punched it, and the car sped off like hell itself was after it. Everest hopped in Marshall's fire truck, and was about to go after it, until she stopped.
"Chase." She whispered. "Ryder."
She spun the truck around in a 360, floored if, and was at the lookout in about one minute. She ran through the door, and collapsed in front of Ryder and all the pups.
"Everest!!" Ryder cried, concerned. "What's wrong?!"
"Marshall...two guys...gun...kidnapped him...he's gone..."
And that was the last thing Chase heard before darkness surrounded him.

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