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"UGH!" You say. 

You sit up and throw your covers over to see Specs, Crutchie, and Race all getting ready sense you all share a room. You get up and fall to the floor. 

Race and Specs run over to you with Crutchie right behind them. 

"Hey y/n you okay why you fall like that?" Asks Specs

"Ugh I don't know I have a headache but I am fine." As soon as you say that you bolt up and run to the bathroom to throw up.  

Race drops to the ground next to you and holds your hair and rubs your back. 

"Y/n you need to saty and rest, you is sick and need to get better." 

"Race I am fine I promise, I feel a lot better..." You throw up again and race continues to hold your hair and rub your back. 

You start to cry and Race gives you a hug. 

"I am sorry." 

"It isn't your fault you can't contol being sick."

Race carries you back to your bed and puts the covers over you while Crutchie sits down on the bed next to you. Race runs to go get a bowl just in case you can't get to the bathroom on time. 

"I am not sellin today I am stayin right here next to my goil." Says Crutchie 

"Babe you don't have to, for real I am fine I promise." 

"Nuh uh you isn't feelin well so I am gonna stay and cuddle you all day." 

"What if you get sick?" 

"Then I get sick no big deal." 

You start to cry softly into Crutchie's neck and he justs rubs to stomach trying to ease the pain. 

"KNOCK KNOCK!" You hear from the door.

"Come in." You say. 

Davey and Les walk in holding a tupperware of soup and a spoon. 

You tear up because you have such amazing friends. 

"Here y/n Race told us you were sick so my mom made you this she said it will help." Davey says handing you the soup and spoon. 

"Aww guys tell her I said thank you." 

"So Crutchie I am guessing you are not sellin today." Says Les

"Nope just gonna stay cuddled up to my goil all day." 

You smile while eating the soup before putting it down and running to the bathroom again. 

You throw up and Davey is right behind you holding your hair and rubbing your back. 

"I am sorry y/n I didn't know the soup would make you sick." Says Davey feeling embarrassed." 

You turn arpund to face him once you are done. 

"Davey it isn't your fault I promise I can't keep anything down not even water, but I will eat it when I can because the few bites I had where amazing." 

Davey nods and you hug him to make him feel better while he helps you get back into bed. 

Dabey walks you back to your bed and you lay down and put your head on Crutchie's chest while Les sits on the bed and you decide to tell him the story of the day Crutchie asked you to be his goil cause Les always asked you to tell him and you also wanted to make Crutchie blush. 

Skip to story over

"So yeah that is basically the whole thing." 

Crutchie blushes and kisses your cheek. 

"Aww you guys are cute together." says Les.

"Thank you." 

"Hey les we got papes to seel and y/n needs to get better so let's go." Says Davey. 

"Aww okay." "Thanks for telling me the story y/n." Les says giving you a hug.

"Your welcome tell your mom I said thank you again for the soup." 

Davey and Les leave and you cuddle up tp Crutchie and fall asleep. 

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