#3 Desire × Obstacle

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"You're kidding, right?"

I frowned at my best friend of twelve-years. Our other friends softly diffused their conversation to look at us. "Why would I joke about this, Cam? I'm serious."

"You can't honestly be serious about this! Do you even hear yourself? Your not even eighteen yet and your moving up-state just for a chance at what?! A girl?! Is that what this is about? A girl?"

Of course Cam wouldn't understand, I gritted my teeth to repress this blood-rushed anger. My heart thuds in my chest and my face feels warmer in the cold lunchroom. Eyes stared down our table, maybe a few words were said in attempt to settle this matter,  but it was blocked by the echoes of hurt that welled up within me at the face of my friend. I don't even know if he is acting like one right now.

With a growl in my throat, I glared at Cam. My eyes and anger unwavering. "You don't know me, Cam. Stop acting like you do."

He scoffed as if my statement was absolute nonsense, "I've known you since we could crawl, Nick. I know you." He may think that, but I know the truth.

"I'm moving up-state for a chance to get out of this town and get into the college I need, Cam. Community College isn't going to cut it for me, you should've known that."

"We made plans! You never said anything about your career path! We were going to share a dorm while getting our generals done, and look into those development careers. We had a plan."

"No! You had a plan! I'm doing what I think is best for me and that's moving out after graduation, so don't miss me too much because I'm not leaving for five more months!"

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