#16 Suspense [I Killed it with Humor]

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I was forced to sit on a solid surface, my tail bone ached. I felt the calloused hands of my keeper untie the rope that suppressed my hands in front of me were untied then forcefully retied to cold metal at my sides. The pit in my stomach was angry and made its presence known as my keeper tied my ankles with the ridiculously scratchy rope. Once I felt his obnoxious presence disappear from my personal space I listened to the far away steps and the muffled sound of a door shutting. Great. He was here. I waited with a pensive anxiety for my eyes to land on him. The blacked out canvas cloth really cut most of my senses off. I cursed myself for drifting my attention elsewhere as soon as I felt the fore of the cloth being ripped from my head, along with some strands of hair.

"OW! Idiot! Watch where you're yanking. I'd like to keep my hair this time." My eyes narrowed at the worst possible person I could see right now.

"Sorry munchkin, but it was necessary. Now, men, leave us. Ah, except Kill-Joy. I'mma need him in a minute."

Kill-Joy was a massive near 300 pound of muscle bodyguard and mercenary. He hated his job, but it was survival out here. No choice is first choice.

"I'm not going to tell you anything." I spat in his face.

He glared at me. I smirked.

"We'll see."

I glanced over the spotless shoulder of his suit jacket to see Kill-Joy loudly making his intending purpose, pulling open closets and drawers and roll-out counters. All with screeching metal. Some of the options I remember with a waking fear that beat my heart like a battle-ram.

"Eyes on me munchkin."

My eyes rolled while I continued to watch the man take out more shiny instruments for his work to begin.

A force knocked my head to the side with a loud slap. He slapped me! Oh-no he didn't, he doesn't get to slap me with out him leaving with an injury too.

"I hate you!" I hissed venomously, my irises were pits of fire from the wells of the deepest, darkest part of myself.

I don't regret the flutter of hurt that spiked and was dispelled from his cold soul.

The purposely loud clatter of metal on metal and stretched grinding of knifes being sharpened sent fear down every nerve of my spine.

"You can hate me all you want, but I'll always care about you and your safety." His words of deadly calm did not settle any fear.

"HA! If you cared about me and my safety, you won't do this to me!" He stepped away from me, eyes cast to the shadows.

"I'm doing what's best for you, best for us, for our family." His voice may be soft, but that didn't excuse his motivations.

"We may be blood, but we aren't family!"

He turned away to leave me, "Vince, you know what needs to be done."

Kill-Joy nodded, calmly raising a dagger to the light to illuminate the dull-looking, deathly weapon to my memory. The door slammed shut and I was left with my grim reaper. Well, I have about eight hours left. Might as well make this as amusing as possible. 

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