Final Thoughts

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I thought I could win... I wasn't expecting this. It's unrealistic to win every Nuzlocke, but still. I really loved these Pokemon so watching them give their all and still fall short just... really hurt.

Mr. Cough and Seaweed 7 are the ones I loved the most, I think. I've loved getting to use them and I honestly am so happy that this happened, even if it didn't go the way I wanted it to.

In the picture above, I put some petals for some of the most memorable Pokemon that fell during this journey. Mr. Cough, Corpse 3, Curtis, Coispe Doy, Seaweed 7, Sundial, Porgk, Hetatoma, Eggball, Bottom, Felipe, Keyden, Reginbald, Tar Mopster, and Redbox all got a petal.

I don't regret any of this journey, however. I'm very happy I went on this journey and I couldn't have asked for a better team. We may not have won but I made some new connections. I think that's what's important.

Thank you all for coming with me on this journey. I hope you had as much fun as I did.

"Paint the night with colours of my rage
Forge the stars from all that remains
Let my spirit flow to the sea
Let it go
And let it be..."

(Devourer by Aidoneous)

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