Ch.11 ~ The CDC

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Y/n's POV

The next morning came quicker than expected the survivors of the camp packing everything up and getting the cars ready. Jim somehow still hadn't changed but his body continued to grow weaker, his fever spiking way beyond the kind I've seen.

Since all my stuff was already in my truck I was helping Carol and Sofia pack up their things. Meanwhile Skylla hovered around Glenn and Carl. Over the last few days I've noticed she's grown attached to those two. Last night she slept with Glenn in the back of my truck leaving me to sprawl out awkwardly over the front seats.

Carol and I put their tent and backpacks in the back of Lori's car as they would be riding together. Lori and Carl sat on the hood of the car as everyone gathered around to hear what the plan of action was.

"Alright everybody, listen up. Those of you with CBs, we're gonna be on channel 40. But let's keep the chatter down, ok?" Shane spoke out to us, waiting for each of us with CBs to nod at his question.

"Now, you have a problem, you don't have a CB, can't get a signal, anything at all, you're gonna hit your horn one time. That'll stop the Truck. Any questions?"

Morales stepped forward talking to the group. "We're uh... we're not going." We all stood their shocked, staring at him.

"We have family in Birmingham. We wanna be with our people." Miranda said, hugging her boy.

"You'll be on your own. Won't have anyone to back you up." I said from behind them.

Turning to me Morales said. "We'll take the chance." Then turned to the others. "I gotta do what's best for my family."

"You sure?" Rick asked.

"We talked about it. We're sure." That said everyone from camp but Daryl and myself came over to hug the Morales family. Rick and Shane handed them a gun and a CB reminding them that we'd be on channel 40.

"Come on. Let's go! Move out." Shane commanded as we all went to our cars. My truck was upfront. I'd be driving with Skylla and Glenn who had a map to direct the way since I didn't know the American roads too well.

Behind us was Dale driving the RV with Jacqui and Jim. Behind them was Rick's family and Carol and her daughter. Following them was Andrea and TDog. Finally Shane drove his jeep and Daryl his truck.

It wasn't long into the drive before Jacqui voice came over the CB telling us Dale's Rv had blown a fuse. Pulling over the line of cars stopped near some woods as we all got out looking around as Dale tried to fix the problem.

Shane and I looked up ahead for any landmarks as Rick and Dale tried to sort the problem. I wasn't particularly comfortable being near Shane after seeing how he was in the woods. In fact everyone here gave me an off vibe.

Maybe it's because I'm not used to being around such normal humans. Normal in the sense that they had 9-5 jobs whereas mine was 24 hours. Normal that I wasn't the typical standard expectation of a female. Normal that I had killed people for a living while these guys had neglected their printer of printer ink or something.

Out of anyone in the group I could probably relate to Daryl the most. After all, had I grown up in America I'd probably be considered a redneck myself due to the fact I was brought up hunting in the woods. That said I am yet to have a proper conversation with the man where shouting, screaming and death wasn't involved.

"I see something up ahead. Gas station, if we're lucky." Shane said as we walked back over to the group.

That is when Jacqui came out from the Rv in a panic. "Y'all. Jim. It's bad. I don't think he can take any more." She said in a worried tone before heading back inside.

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