The Dog Park

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A/N: hey y'all. I decided to bring the story back with a series of one shots picking up where the original story ended. I don't know how many there will be but enjoy!
On the outskirts of London sat a small cottage with a white picket fence and a thatched roof which sat quiet in the early hours of the morning. The lights were dark as the sun began to shine through the black curtains that a certain tattoo artist insisted on to keep the pesky rays out of her line of sight. Her self-proclaimed beauty sleep was more important than seeing a sunrise.  "Sunsets are more my thing, pet," the older woman smirked as she hung the room darkening curtains in the bedroom one morning after she claimed to have been brutally assaulted by the sun. There was no arguing once she was set on an idea and it was hopeless to even try.

Hermione Black stood looking into the full length mirror getting ready for another busy day of work then her PhD night classes. She buttoned up the crisp white dress shirt that was tucked into a pair of flared black pinstripe trousers. After buttoning her shirt to a modest height, she rolled up her sleeves to her elbows exposing the black and grey sleeve on her right forearm and wrist. She smiled down at her tattoo thinking to herself it had been far too long since her last session and that she needed to get on her wife about the possibility of adding more ink to her body. She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled on a pair of black sheer stockings and slipped into a pair of heels. A little whine was heard coming from the dog kennel in the corner of the room. "Oh good morning," Hermione smiled then laughed at the big puppy eyes that little Nova was giving her at the moment. "You need to wee?" She already knew the answer when Nova was heard whistling through her nose. The pup in question had just turned four months old but was mostly house trained save for a few accidents which mostly occurred in Narcissa's shoes or on the floor by the door when she really had to go. "Come on then," she whispered, opening the kennel door and letting the excited puppy out. "Don't wake your mummy up yet. We both know she hasn't been sufficiently recharged."

Hermione left the bedroom with the happy pup following close at her feet. "Careful," Hermione warned the pup, "you might trip me." She laughed as Nova clumsily got her footing. Her paws were growing larger but her body still needed time to catch up so she was often tripping if she went too fast. "Go on love," she opened the back door and followed Nova out enjoying the crisp fall morning. She watched the dog happily prance around the fenced in yard and stop to go potty. "Good girl," Hermione praised her which caused the puppy to run full speed at her mum, head butting her and almost knocking her down. "Always so excited," she laughed and walked back inside with Nova who sat down next to the door and waited for her puppy treat. They spent a half hour watching tv while Hermione had a quick breakfast before trudging back into the bedroom to wake her wife. "Shh," she looked at Nova who laid down on the floor and waited for Hermione to let her up on the bed.

"Darling?" She whispered as she neared her wife. "It's time to wake up."

"Mmmfph," came the disgruntled reply of Bella Black, notoriously known as not a friend to mornings.

"Im headed to work in a few minutes," Hermione carefully sat down next to the sleeping lump.

"It's morning already," an eye and some dark curls  were all that appeared out of the thick layer of covers. "Stay home with me. I can think of far more enjoyable things we can get into today."

Hermione rolled her eyes, hearing the smirk without having to see it, "you know I can't. I have the weekend off. No school or work. Promise."

"But I miss you," Bella completely uncovered her head and pouted.

"I'll be back tonight after class. Promise," she leaned down and kissed her wife. Knowing if she lingered too long, Bella would pull her down completely and she'd be late for work. "Maybe we can go on a picnic this weekend."

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