Chapter 15 Possession

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~Time skip three weeks later~

Hikari POV

The month passes by slowly as misery becomes a common thing for me. The villagers have become more open about their hatred of me by either voicing them or resorting to hurting me physically until my shield appears; they then run off shouting curses at me. Everyday promises the same thing for me and that is constant abuse at both the academy and the village centre.

After the first week I can no longer cry from the pain that fills my heart. The second week many more people threatened my life. The only thing I thought was when did this village become a place that wished to cause me harm when it was supposed to protect me? Could it be because of the spirit inside me?

Now at three weeks I have begun to seclude myself from everyone around to protect myself from the villagers. I also begin to feel my emotions slowly fade away as another form of protection.

I don't have the academy today so head downstairs intending to stay when I realise that there is a shortage of groceries. I go over to the door putting my shoes on before locking up and heading to the market. Once there I grab all the things I need and make my way back home not intending to stay there any longer than I have to. I manage to escape only being cursed at today. I don't question this and keep walking until I am safely inside of the house.

After I place the groceries away I get out the Shogi board and practice for a little while. Hours later I sit down and eat the dinner I prepared earlier before putting the Shogi board away and heading to my room.

I sit there undisturbed for a while as I read until I hear the sound of a window smashing. I throw my book down jumping up in shock. Fear begins to build up inside me as I slowly make my way to the source of the sound careful to be quiet. My voice betrays me when my foot finds a shard of glass on the floor. Pain rushes through my foot and I let out a small acknowledgment of the pain.

The sound of footfalls suddenly stops before slowly making their way in my direction. I begin to panic on the inside trying to work out what to do. Before anything comes to mind two ninja appear in front of me wearing masks telling me that they are Anbu. Anbu are shinobi of high ability who specialise in assassination and observation. They work directly for the Kazekage. When they don't attack immediately I wonder what it is they want.

"What are you here for?" I ask curious as to their purpose.

"We as Anbu aren't supposed to discuss our missions. However telling you will not change the outcome." He replies in an emotionless voice. "We will finish the job that the shinobi before failed to complete at your previous residence. Under the orders of the Kazekage we are going kill you so that may no longer be a threat to the village."

Shock and disbelief fill me as I discover the Kazekage's true intentions. He even sent Anbu to make sure that the job is done properly I thought.

A moment later I realise that my mother's death was caused by the Kazekage and that he intended to kill me as well. Rage swells within me as I sit there never before have I felt such rage inside of me. The only thing I can think about is how much I want revenge for what happened to her.

I stare at the Anbu with hatred filled eyes making them hesitant. Out of nowhere a voice appears in my head that I have never heard before.

'Hello child' it said in a voice so cold and cunning that it sends a chill down my spine. 'Looks like you could use a hand.' She laughs.

'Who are you?' I ask surprised by her appearance.

'Why I am Natsumi the spirit within you. I am here to offer you some assistance in your current predicament.'

'Why would you help me?' I ask wondering what her intentions were. The question caused her to laugh.

'All I want to help you. All you have to do is give into your rage and I will give you power.' She replies in a persuasive voice, ignoring the question as if I never asked.

Doing as she said I let my rage take over and focus my eyes on the Anbu in front of me. My whole body begins to glow as a mysterious power builds up inside of me. My hair turns violet and my eyes turn a deep blue. I can feel the fear coming from the shinobi in front of me since they are shaking. Before I can do anything a blinding light flashes before my eyes then leaving me in darkness. Confused I look around finding nothing but darkness.

The Life of Hikari Miyazaki a Suna Shinobi (Childhood years)Where stories live. Discover now