Chapter 4 Just how emotional is my Mum!?!?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Hikari POV

I stay up on the cliff for a little while staring down at the village below as the sun hits the surface before I start to head home. On the way back I actually smile and don’t think about all of the people around me as I am too busy thinking about what had happened today.

It didn’t even matter if I never saw him again. It was enough to know that there was someone out there wasn’t afraid of me or hated me.

When I arrive home I help out with dinner and I and Mum start to eat.

We talk about how our days went and say if anything is bothering us. This normally consists of Mum talking about her job as a florist in town and what the customers were like. She would always make a point of mentioning the rude ones and imitating them. This is so funny that I couldn’t help but laugh.

The other thing we would talk about was school and how I am being treated. Mum worries about me way too much but I’m ok with it as I have no one else in my family to worry about me.

I go to leave the table when Mum says that she wants to talk.

“Hikari what else happened today. You’re happier than usual. It’s not that it’s a bad thing; I just want to know what has made you so happy.” She says in a gentle voice inviting me to talk.

“Today I went up to the cliff to go and look down at the village as it is a good place to clear my head and get away from everything. Some kids in my class started picking on me and calling me “monster”. As you can imagine this got me mad, so I told them to leave me alone and go away. This only got them angrier and they pushed me off the edge of the cliff.” I stop to see how mum is taking it and I have never seen her face look more terrified.

“I can’t believe that kids would take something like this that far!! I never imagined this would happen!! It’s outrageous!!” she shouts as anger swells up inside of her.

“Mum calm down!” I shout to get her to listen. “As I fell, sand formed underneath me and stopped my fall. When it put me down I found who saved me and thanked them. It was a boy the same age as me.”

“Hold on a second. A kid your age actually helped you!?” Mum interrupts.

“Yes. His name is Gaara and we get on really well. He has suffered the same way as me so completely understands me. We just sat and talked getting to know each other until he had to go home.”

“How incredible! Amazing! I’m so happy for you.” She cries with tears form in her eyes and hugs me so hard that it prevents me from breathing.

“Mum, you can let go of me now.” I say rather quickly.

“Sorry.” she replies letting me go. Her face was still beaming with joy at the news. “You go to bed and I’ll finish the washing up.” She says. “Oh Hikari I might be home a bit late tomorrow so let yourself in with your key. I am going to talk with the Kazekage tomorrow about business.”

I go upstairs and get changed for bed. Surprisingly I got the best night sleep that I’ve had in a long time.

Sayuri POV

I can’t believe how much luck is shining on my little girl. She finally has someone she can call friend and accepts her for who she is. Maybe the pain in her heart will finally go away by meeting this boy. Just one person is all she needs to not care what others say about her. Today is proof of that.

The Life of Hikari Miyazaki a Suna Shinobi (Childhood years)Where stories live. Discover now