Chapter 3 First friend

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Hikari POV

The boy stood there and flinched. This concerned me as I thought that I might have done something wrong.

“Is something wrong?” I ask wondering what could have happened. He stared at me as if he had never heard anything like this in his life.

“Aren’t you going to scream and call me names?” he asks unsure of himself.

“Why would I want to do that? You saw how those kids treated me.” I reply in a soft and kind voice. He nods and stays silent. I motion for him to sit down and he slowly did. “So what’s your name?”

“Gaara.” He answers. “What is your name?”

“Hikari.” I reply with my goofy smile and making a peace like I always did when I smile. “Again thank you for saving me. I owe you.” Gaara smiled slightly at this before it grew curious.

“Why did those boys try to harm you?” Gaara asks. I sigh before answering.

“I’m not like other kids and they all hate me because of it. When I was born I was possessed by the spirit of Natsumi Chiba of Earth, one of the Celestial Guardians. No one really knows about what powers I have and that scares them. The only power that I have discovered is a shield which will protect me from getting any fatal wounds.” I pause to see how he would react. When I saw the look on Gaara’s face I thought he was going to run just like everyone else.

“You’re the same as me.” Gaara said with surprise. “I’m possessed by the spirit of Shukaku so people act the same way to me. The sand acts as a shield to protect from any wounds and it has also been known to attack others.” He pauses seeing that nothing was wrong so he carries on. “I can’t control it and it won’t do what I ask it to. I never meant to hurt anyone.” Gaara’s face was full of sadness. I look at him with a concern with a look of concern on my face before talking again.

“That’s ok. At least you know that I’m not scared of you.” I say with a voice full of energy and a smile.

We both take comfort in this. We were just happy to have found someone who accepts us for who we are.

I and Gaara spend the next few hours talking and just enjoying each other’s company. I even catch him smiling a few times. We basically talked about things such as what we like, what are hobbies are and our family. I obviously talked about my mother and that my dad was never around. While Gaara talked about his father the Kazekage, his siblings Kankuro and Temari and most importantly Yashamaru his uncle. I also learnt that Gaara’s mother died just after he was born. After hearing this I try to put a consoling hand on his shoulder but the sand stops me.

“Sorry.” Say Gaara. I just shake it off and saying that it was nothing.

Yashamaru POV

I walk out of the door to look around town for Lord Gaara as it was going to start to get dark soon. I start at the park as he would normally sit there on the swing while the other children played games. Then I look in a few other places before making my way over to the cliff which provides a view of the village.

As I get closer I see Lord Gaara’s short red hair, so I walk in that direction. I start walking up to the cliff and was near the top when I notice that there is a little girl with pinkish red hair sitting next to Lord Gaara.

At first I thought that she was going to scream and run away calling him a monster. However when I look again I couldn’t believe my eyes. This girl wasn’t scared of him, she was sat there talking to him and…Lord Gaara was smiling. I was so shocked that I almost couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Lord Gaara” I say getting him to turn around.

“Yashamaru.” Says Lord Gaara surprised at my sudden appearance.

“And who might this be.” I smile looking at the girl sat beside him.

“My name is Hikari.” She replies whilst looking down at her feet.

“Pleased to meet you.” This made the girl look up at me and smile in the most odd and funny way possible. “It’s great to see that Lord Gaara has met someone new.” I pause to see how he would react and he smiled.

Gaara POV

I was so happy that Yashamaru had met Hikari; they seem to get on well. There was now someone my age who I could talk to.

“I hate to say this, but it’s time to go home Lord Gaara.” Says Yashamaru. I nod and get up and before leaving I looked back at her.

“See you around Gaara.” Hikari says smiling at me and waving. I wave back and start to walk home with Yashamaru. I still couldn’t believe that there was someone out there who was the same age as me and wasn’t afraid of me. I’m just thankful that I met her.

The Life of Hikari Miyazaki a Suna Shinobi (Childhood years)Where stories live. Discover now