Chapter 1 The past

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This is my first story that has been put up on wattpad, to those of you reading this so I know that there is plenty of room for improvement. Please tell me your thoughts as I wish to know what people think and where I can improve. This story tells you about her childhood so it will not follow cannon. However I do intend to write another story after this whcih does follow cannon.

 Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Hikari POV

My story starts in the village hidden in the sand. This one of five great nations; the village lies within the wind country and the ninja village is led by the Kazekage, the most powerful ninja in our village. It is their duty to protect the village and do their best to keep peace with other nations. They also decide on the ninja squads that are set out on their specific missions.

I was born in Suna with an unfortunate fate laid before me with no way of outrunning it. When I was born I was marked by spirit of Natsumi Chiba of Earth, one of the Celestial Guardians and my destiny was set. In every village at least one new-born child shall be marked by the spirit. They will have special powers help them defend their villages against the Bijuu and fulfil their destiny. The powers that I would possess in the future scared many people including my father who was never there for me and just left. The only person who didn’t care was my mother.

Due to the mark on my left hand everyone feared my powers. Nobody knew what powers I would possess which only increased their fear. Many people thought of me as a monster who should never be allowed to live here in the village. I was treated like I had the plague and that death followed me everywhere I went. None of that mattered though my mother was there for me and treated me like I was normal. Whenever I was around I felt like all of my problems just disappeared.

At the age of six I was enrolled in ninja school like all of the other children. I thought that this would be a fresh start to get to know people but I was wrong. All the children treated me the same as everyone else did. Even the teachers hated me when they are supposed to give everyone a chance. If something bad happened to one of the children they blame it on me and complain about why I was allowed to become a shinobi.

Even though the other children were scared me they still bullied me every chance they got. The main thing they would make fun of is pinkish red hair and how dull my grey eyes were.

I am now seven years old with the same hard life. I get out of bed and get changed into my clothes for the academy. I wear black crops and a sky blue ¾ length sleeve top, which has a whirlpool symbol on the back.  I also wear black shoes and my ninja gear.

 I then head down for breakfast. As usual my Mum is there and we talk about things like how I slept and if I had any dreams that might interest her. After this I leave for school with a smile that fades as soon as I leave the house. As the walk progresses many people start staring at me with cold eyes full of hatred as well as whispering just loud enough for me to hear words such as “monster”.

When I arrive at school, I lean against a tree that is out of the way, staring up at the clouds fully aware of what the other kids were saying about me. I always come here as I am less likely to be bothered by anyone.

 A few minutes later the bell rings and everyone takes their seats and wait for the lesson to start. The lesson was about chakra and how to use it. At the end of the day everyone else leaves but I stay behind as I need extra lessons to help me focus and think with an analytical mind. They are great as they are having a positive effect on my learning and overall attention in class.

After this I head home, once I get there I take off my shoes as I always do and head upstairs to my room to read one of my books. A few minutes later my Mum comes up and lays out my nicest clothes as well as brushes my long hair that finishes halfway down my back. We then make our way outside to get our family portrait taken.

When that is finished I continue reading until dinner is ready. I set up the table and sit there waiting for it to be served. Today was my favourite Senzai.

After I finish eating I help mum with the dishes. I then go up to my room when I heard Mum call me into the living room, so I made my way there and sat down.

“What is it Mum?” I ask a little concerned at the serious look on her face. Before continuing she brushes the fringe of her short pinkish red hair off her face (this is the habit that she does when she is nervous) and places her hands on top of mine.

“How are things going at school? The bulling hasn’t gotten worse has it? She asks.

“No it’s fine.” I answered with my typical closed eye smile where I stick my tongue out at her and make a peace sign. After this I go up to my room and read until bedtime when I try to get some sleep. I have slight insomnia so getting to sleep is difficult for me and it can even take hours to just to fall asleep.

Sayuri POV (Mother)

I hope she’s ok I thought to myself. Considering what’s inside of her many people are bound to avoid and pick on her. Hikari says that I worry too much but she is not old enough to understand the village’s hostility towards her.

The Life of Hikari Miyazaki a Suna Shinobi (Childhood years)Where stories live. Discover now