Chapter 13 A New "Home"

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Hikari POV
I walk up to my new “home” and open the door, taking a look around to see what it’s like knowing that I will hate it because it isn’t home without Mum. The rooms are simple and having only the bare necessities such as a living room with a table and a couch. The kitchen contains a microwave, an oven, a sink, a fridge-freezer and utensils such as preparation knives and cutlery. In the bathroom there is the usual and there is a bedroom with a bed, a Chester draws, a bedside table and an alarm.

I decide to put away my belongings as know that I will be staying here and not ever going back to the place I call home. My clothes go in the Chester draws; I put towels in the bathroom, even some games in the living room and a place the family portrait of me and mum on my bedside table. This was probably now the most precious thing that I own because it holds the memories that I will always cherish.

Everything around me seems unimportant and just doesn’t matter. My life right now seems hollow and meaning as I sit there and reflect on what has happened this last week. The only person who cared about me is dead leaving with nothing. I wonder what will happen now I thought. The images swimming through my head prevent me from thinking so I pick up one of my books and temporarily escape form the cruel reality around me. Hours pass as I read until I realise that now I’m in a new place that I need to buy some groceries. I put on my shoes and head out to the market planning to spend as little time as possible there. Since my Mother is no longer around I know that the villagers are bound to act even worse towards me.

I buy some basic supplies and head home depressed as I realise that the world will be an even meaner place without Mum to support me. Once home I put everything away leaving out only what I needed to make something basic for dinner. Even though I am only seven I know how to make some basic meals from helping Mum.

Once dinner is finished I wash up and head up to my room and sit on the bed staring up at the stars and remembering that night at the festival with mum. Tears fall down my face at the memory of her. I lie on my bed for hours crying as night passes by.

I toss and turn unable to sleep, reliving that day when mum died until I hear loud noise. I sit bolt upright in bed as the fear begins to fade. Lying back down I wait for the sleep which will never come; this time dreaming of the festival and once again remembering how happy I was then.

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