7. Hunted

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Dayna stared at her sons dejected back, his ears were drooped down and his tail was down as he stared out the front window. Maybe she should go kidnap Isabella for him? It had been a few days since she had visited. The girl had turned her son into a puppy waiting for his master to return home. He had been like this for three days she thought anxiously. His ears perked up and his tail started wagging, Dayna smiled. "You can go greet her." well speak of the angel.

Luka ran out the front door "Bella!" he was before her in an instant and hugged her. She laughed and hugged him back careful not to mess up the cake she had brought.

"I finally have free time to play, I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner. I missed you!" he blushed and let go of her but held her free hand.

"What's in the box? Can you stay for a while?" His ears were quivering, she peered around his back because she could see his tail swaying back and forth behind him. He was excited, wah he was so cute she just wanted to pounce on him and snuggle him.

"I brought cake for you and your mother, let's have a slice then play, I just finished morning lessons and hurried over." she was speaking as they entered the house and Luka took the cake from her just as mama glomped on "Bella! My angel where have you been? Mama made such a cute dress for you, come try it on!" Dayna ushered her into another room.

"Mama she's here to play with me not you!" the door closed in his face, Luka pouted. He set the table and made some tea for the cake. Mama was taking up too much of their play time, he frowned down at the table. He didn't realize he had been waiting for her so eagerly and now that she was here mama just took her! The door opened behind him. "Luka, Luka look how cute!" Dayna poked Isabella's cheek standing behind her hugging her close to her body looking oh so pleased with herself.

Bella's hair was braided from her scalp down the entire length pulled to one side, loose bangs brushing slightly over one eye. Her long dark lashes looked darker. The dress was white with a semi-puffy skirt brushing just above her knees with a lavender frill and a ribbon binding the back top half, she had matching ballet type shoes that laced up her calves. She had her hands clasped in front of her and an embarrassed look on her face. Cute.

"Bella is cute no matter what mama." Luka cut three slices of cake and plated them. Dayna poured tea as Isabella sat at the table blushing. She was cute? She had never heard it before.

"You have been having lessons with Alexia right?" Dayna asked as she took a bite of cake.

"Well she just gave me a test to see where I stand. She said I don't really need to go to the academy, I could test into a higher grade or even out with graduate." Luka's ears drooped that she wouldn't be in the same wing if she was in a much higher level, maybe he should take the placement exam. "She's been helping me prep for what material I will be held accountable for when I enter the academy. I told her I wanted to go to the academy with kids my own age. I want the experience of making friends my age so we can all grow and support each other! I want kids my age that can relate to my problems as we grow and change" Luka's ears perked back up he liked her plan, he wanted friends too.

"That sounds wonderful!" Dayna dove across the table to hug Bella but Luka pulled her chair to the side as his mother flew past her onto the floor. Luka finished his cake and tea excusing himself from the table stepping over his mother who was still on the floor.

"Luka that was so mean to mama why would you do that. I have only ever wanted to love you guys and you reject me!" She was on her hands and knees on the floor, teary eyed.

"I have never rejected you mama but Bella doesn't need you always clinging onto her." Luka patted his mother's head and she glomped him down to the floor. He had been tricked he thought as his mother rolled on the ground hugging him.

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