37. Breaking Point

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Warning graphic chapter, violence, sexual assault, torture. feel free to skip


Isabella waited until his phone died but kept her mind and heart focused on Kuro, he had been in turmoil she could feel it through her crysts. Their feelings were relayed when focused, his turmoil had come from her otherwise she wouldn't have felt it as clearly. Sometimes it was difficult to control, Kuro had a darkness in him that she battled with him. 

Loneliness, abandonment, greed, resentment, pride, she had heard many rumors about him and knew most of them were true. He hadn't ever pretended to be something he wasn't, he had told her she was the exception. There were always whispers in the dark about him, she had seen he had a mock battle and left the other crown prince a bloody mess literally.

The black prince was cold, arrogant, aloof and never showed affection towards anyone, he took what he wanted. She walked down the corridor of the lab she was in, Noctis was with Tsubaki cracking the system as her chains ran through several lines of soldiers stringing them together as she reeled herself in to her chains with her dual blades taking heads as she flipped and danced through them. 

She was a murderer no matter what way you cut it, the black prince suited her, she wasn't nearly as kind as everyone thought. She continued to cut through the lines of soldiers and enhanced beings, Tsubaki came in from behind to help her out flying past her, he used her chains for footing running along them to take heads with her.

She cleaved one in half that tried to attack Tsubaki from behind and then flailed her chains slicing apart the last of them, she watched him pout. She was tired, they had been hitting one lab after the other and she had done most of the heavy lifting with Tsubaki as her back up since Noctis needed to hack. 

This lab was different, there were many completed enhanced beings along with trained soldiers and the building was a maze deep underground. The hive was basically made to trap you in it seemed as she watched a solid wall shift and change the path. Of course if it was housing some of their strongest experiments they would have pre-cautions on them escaping. She had an uneasy feeling as they kept getting deeper in instead of out.

"Wah Bella-chan why? That was mean."

"There are plenty more for you to come." her barrier lit up around them to absorb the blow from what had to be a missel. Noctis blades rained down on the line of soldiers and enhanced beings grabbing several blades slicing his way through, her barrier guarded him from any attacks. Tsubaki sliced his way through using his chains like Isabella had reeling himself in towards larger creatures slicing the back of the knee or achilles. Isabella worked solely on protecting them, she could project her barrier from a distance if her crysts were shared.

"What the hell is going on, did we fall into a trap? Conserve your energy Isabella, lower your barrier for now we can still dodge save your energy in case we end up hurt or drained." she nodded as she drew out her blades lowering her barrier, the layout had changed, several walls had shifted, traps were set everywhere to drive them towards a certain direction into more traps. This whole place was a trap they were being driven to an ambush deeper into the facility, the only chance they had was to fight their way out but they were just getting driven deeper in. Isabella could take soldiers out by the hundreds so he wanted to keep her in their back pocket, eventually they would reach the final trap that had been set for them. It would be a winner takes all.

It seemed like forever, they were just being pushed in circles constantly attacked with bombs forcing Isabella to use her barrier. They were assaulted by electrical bombs that sent out magnetic resonance, it was the most effective way of disrupting phantasmal weapons and Isabella's barrier was no exemption to the rule. Crysts communicated through the electrical paths that run through the nervous system so disrupting the flow wasn't complicated with the right strategy.

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