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She was up before him, she didn't feel like getting up, he had asked her to cook for him which she had found too cute. He always made her feel good about herself, guided and supported her, she wanted to do the same for him. It hadn't taken long to notice everyone used him, his parents, the country, the guards, other students, teachers everyone was constantly asking or suggesting something. His power and title drew in some shady people who wanted to control or manipulate him, win him over it was probably really hard to tell who was real and who was fake so he probably just labeled them all fake. Most probably were, it seemed hard to find the good ones that you could trust, everyone seemed so two-faced here.

She brushed his hair out of his eyes watching him sleep, he looked so unguarded compared to when he was awake. She just wanted to set him free but he wouldn't let her, he was chained to the crown and even if she could break it he couldn't run, it wasn't just his crysts, his blood bound him. Instead she would do everything she could to make sure he survived and took the crown. She would help lay the groundwork for when he took over.

The brush of her fingertips woke him, he was a light sleeper so just about anything woke him up unless he was completely exhausted. He could wake up every day to what he saw when he opened his eyes, her glowing eyes were looking at him filled with love, he had learned to identify it. Her eyes spoke so much more than words could, it was a soft gaze filled with warmth as if he were the only thing of importance, she looked so content it made him feel content. He felt so accepted and needed, her eyes made him feel like he could do anything as long as she was watching. If he fell she would reach a hand out to help him up not ridicule or kick him while he was down like so many others were waiting to do. She smiled at him and then half covered her face with the sheet.

"Good morning Kuro"

"Good morning Isa." he rolled onto his stomach throwing an arm over her. "Is it time to get up?" she grabbed his hand and brought it to her lips kissing the back of it like he always did hers

"No. Stay sleeping my love, you have another half hour before you need to get up, I'm going to start breakfast." he blushed at the endearment, she kissed him on the cheek through the sheet and he laughed a little. "What? I haven't brushed my teeth yet I don't want to be breathing in your face." he smiled watching her get up and walk over to the kitchen, he laid his head on his pillows watching.

She was spinning a knife through her fingers like a baton as she stared in the fridge, she was debating on what to make. She always put a lot of thought into what she was making, she liked that something like food could make people so happy. She never cooked the same exact things twice, she had stated there were just too many dishes to make one twice without adding or changing it to make it your own. He always caught her looking up recipes from around the world and shopping for the ingredients on his phone. She always left him snacks and lunches, he had probably ate more this month than he had throughout the year. He fell back to sleep to the subtle clinking and chopping sounds in the kitchen.

Isa! Two for two in the wake up department! She was leaned over him with one hand lightly cupping his face as she pulled away from the sweet tender kiss she had woken him up with. He was too happy to even pretend like he didn't love it. "Time to wake up my love." she whispered in his ear softly and kissed his temple playing with his hair a little, he wrapped his arms around her pulling her into bed rolling on top of her laying his head on her shoulder and started snoring. "Kuro I told you we are not skipping!" she laughed as she pushed at him, he was heavy, she gave up and hugged him giggling. He peeked one eye open at her and smiled at the stern look she gave him pushing her smile away, she was such a goody goody sometimes.

"I know, I wish it was Friday and we could just stay in bed all day, can we do that tomorrow?" he looked so excited.

"Of course, whatever you want to do." he hugged her again and got up, she already had his place set, a small bowl of fresh cut fruit over yogurt drizzled with honey, a fresh baked croissant, and a tomato, spinach and cheese egg souffle. She poured him a cup of the flowering tea she had brewed, he usually drank coffee but the tea she always made was delicious as well and gave him the same pick me up.

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