44. Break

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Noctis smiled as he looked down the ninety-degree drop off to the snowy mountain below. He put his goggles on tipping his board over free falling until he hit the snowy landing below. Kuro sailed over him doing a three-sixty spin in the air landing close ahead of him. Hmph show off, it had been a while since he had been snowboarding, he jumped a rail sliding down it on his board passing Kuro down the mountain side. Isabella was waiting at the bottom of the hill watching them both come flying down a double black diamond that she didn't dare touch. She could picture herself splattered against a tree coming down that straight drop mountain top. Kuro and Noctis both flew past her as they stopped not wanting to spray her with snow on such a harsh stop as she clapped.

"Amazing! You guys are so amazing!" she ran over excitedly with a blush from the cold and excitement filled her eyes.

"Do you want to try the next step up from the bunny hill or do you want us to practice some more with you?"

"Will you guys come down with me one more time and then if I feel good I can do the bigger one?" she blushed a little embarrassed at her own inability to get snowboarding down. They made it look so easy but it was more complicated to stay upright than it looked. She could stay up but she still couldn't even begin to jump or twist like they were. She hopped off of the tug rope and glanced down the baby hill she was on and steadied herself, Kuro chuckled and Noctis punched his arm saying something about discouraging her.

Ugh please don't fall on my face, please don't fall on my face, she tipped her board nose down and took off. Kuro came down next to her keeping his board in a breaking position to stay with her in case she lost control. He had told her to just use her barrier but it interrupted the flow between the snow and board. She made it down with Kuro next to her the whole way and did a little cheer at the end wanting to try again having more confidence this time around.

Noctis and Kuro took turns helping her go down bigger slopes as the day went on, she still wasn't going down a black diamond but she had improved enough to enjoy it. They were sitting around an outdoor fire pit with other tourists roasting marshmallows as Kuro assembled her a s'more's and handed it to her. She took her bite and was thrilled with the messy mass of sugar in her mouth. He gave her a coffee to balance the sweetness and to keep warm with as she snuggled into his side.

Kuro had suggested a mini vacation together since they had all been through so much recently, it was their first and probably only time taking a trip together. They were in Pearl Country and tomorrow they were leaving for the Emerald Country, he had set them up to spend a full day in several different bordering countries in hot tourist spots so she could get a feel for a vacation instead of a mission. He hated that he had to cram in these experiences for her that they hadn't had time to do between their work.

"Isa do you want to soak in the outdoor hot spring?"

"Yes!" She ran ahead of Noctis and Kuro who seemed to be having a lot of private conversations behind her back but she was happy they could. It always seemed like she was with one and not the other so seeing them have fun together was a nice change of pace. It was clear as day that they loved each other and these times were too far and few in between. She wasn't going to be the only one losing him, Noctis depended on him more than he admitted. Noctis always brightened up whenever Kuro praised him, he was always seeking his older brothers approval.

Noctis watched Isabella skip ahead of them, she was having a blast from the looks of it, it was his first time actually taking a vacation with Kuro. They had conducted business and attended parties together but it was never a vacation where they could relax. He was a little surprised Kuro had them all sharing a room he thought for sure he was going to put them in a private room together.

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