𝟬𝟬𝟭. it's all a dream

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Everything was dark, yet I could still see clearly somehow. There was one person my eyes stay put on. I don't know who it is but I could feel the fear and anxiety in my chest.
I was frozen, I wanted to scream— I think I was screaming, my throat burned.
I saw a thing— more like a monster I didn't know grab them and strike them in the chest. That's when I screamed.

A sharp gasp escaped Keira's lips. She sat up on the bed holding her chest, she could feel her heart beating rapidly. Her forehead was covered in sweat.
It was just a Dream.
She repeated to herself but she didn't believe it.
It felt so real like she was there but she didn't recognize anything.

Keira took a few breaths before she stood up, she looked down to her phone 4am. School was tomorrow, only a few days before Halloween.
She walked into the bathroom, splashing water onto her face. They were just past memories of what happened last year.

She quietly walked back to her room. She wanted to keep all the past memories out of her head.

"Lucas no." Keira spat, slapping Lucas hand away from the food, "This is mine you already got yours" She spoke grabbing the last piece of bacon.

"What the hell?" Lucas groaned, slouching down in his seat.

"Language Lucas!" Their mother spoke sternly towards him.
Keira smirked at her brother getting in trouble.

Shut up, he mouthed towards her.

A honk sounded from outside.
Keira sat up shoving the last piece of her pancake in her mouth. "That's me."

She quickly placed her plate on the sink. "Lucas are you gonna come with us?" 

"No I'm meeting with the others near mikes house." Keira nodded, kissing her mother and dad in the cheek before grabbing her stuff and rushing out.

She instantly smiled when she saw Jonathan  waiting in the car.

"Hey." He smiled towards her once she entered the car.
"Hey guys." Keira greeted Jonathan and his brother cheerfully.

"Hey Keira." Will smiled from the back, he had always had a liking towards Keira. She was sweet, and he knew how much Jonathan trusted her and took care of him when Will was gone.

She smiled towards him before reaching her arm and messing up his hair. He cringed shoving her hand away.

"Whats got you so hyped up this morning?"

"Halloween is coming up what could be better." She shrugged with a grin, "Plus this year I will definitely be dragging you out to one of the parties."

"Keira-" Jonathan groaned.

"I know you have to be with Will but I could tag along and then when they finish we could still go."

"I agree." Will butted in, liking the idea of Jonathan not being with him the whole night.

"You stay out of this." He jokingly glared at Will through the mirror.

"Think about it— I'm telling you Jonathan this could be mind blowing."

He snorted a laugh, "Jesus are you hearing yourself?" Keira laughed, shrugging ignoring how stupid she sounded.

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