𝟬𝟬𝟱. missing

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It was dark again, it was always fucking dark, she could never see clearly. There was smoke that came up— like it was going in a pattern, Keira analyzed. She turned around trying to figure out where she was. It was all unknown to her, it was like an underground tunnel but she had this gut feeling, it wasn't good.

She gulped as her heart started to beat faster. She walked forward— not realizing she was walking right into the trap.


Her head immediately turned hearing someone whisper her name.

"Hello?" She called out. "Who's there?"
No respond.
Only the sound of the harsh wind pushing past her was heard.

She swallowed hard before she continued to walk.
Her feet halted when she saw someone— a person's back to her. The lighting wasn't letting her see who it clearly was. That was the whole point, the trick.

She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, she couldn't speak. The person's head turned to the side— their side profile being shined on by the slightest light.

Keira's eyes narrowed at them, she had her thoughts of who it was, but she was scared to truly know.
She jumped when something cut through the person— like a knife.

Her hand went to her mouth to cover her cry's.
"You did this." The same voice whispered.
"You could've saved me." The person fell to their knees and Keira followed, the voice got louder and louder— her hands went to cover her ears to try to stop them.
"No no no no." She sobbed shaking her head.
"It's all your fault!" The voice screamed at her in every possible direction.
She shut her eyes tightly to not see the dead person that laid in front of her as a heart breaking scream was the only thing she was capable of doing.

A terrorizing scream came from her mouth as she abruptly sat up on the bed— holding her chest with her hand as she gasped for air.
"Hey," Steve spoke, immediately being weaken up by the noice. He sat up placing his hand on her shoulder, "Keira—Kiera what's wrong?" He stared at her with concern. She was pale and her tears stained her cheeks.

"I- they're dead— it's my fault." She choked out trying to catch her breath. Slight sobs escaping her lips.
"Hey, Hey," Steve's hands traveled up to her cheeks, "Breathe, breathe— it was just a dream, okay? You're okay, you're safe." He looked into her eyes, softly caressing her cheek to calm her down. She couldn't help but feel her breathing start to follow his, a warm comfort instantly falling over her.
He had no clue what had caused her to react this way but it was frightening.

He wiped her tears with his thumb, kissing her forehead as he embraced her in a hug. "I got you." She laid her head on his bare shoulder. He gulped, looking over at the time— it was 5 am.

Keira has fallen back asleep on Steve's chest, or so he thought. He could no longer sleep he would switch between closing his eyes and feeling like he was about to doze off or just staring up at the ceiling while he rubbed her shoulder.
Keira already felt like she had done a lot, I mean waking up in the middle of night screaming wasn't the best she'd say.
The dream kept playing in her head, she thought back to the other one she had— the day of halloween. Did they have any resemblance?
She could hear Steve's heart beat while she stared out the window.

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