𝟬𝟭𝟭. assholes

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Mike and Eleven embraced each other in a tight hug.
Everyone stared in awe at the girl they believed was dead. It all felt like a dream.
They all couldn't help but feel relief they wouldn't have to face those creatures again.

"Where the hell have you been?" Hopper asked the girl who responded back with the same question. He pushed past mike hugging the girl. They all stared confusingly not knowing what that was about. 

Mike stared up in disbelief to the chief, his shocked face turned to anger he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jim only grabbed the boy by the the collar, "Let's talk."
They both left the room, Jim almost dragging Mike.

First the boys went up to eleven, hugging her deeply. But once she saw Max she only pushed past her, she couldn't care less about the new girl.

Eleven smiled when she saw Keira, she placed her makeshift weapon on one hand and hugged the small girl.

"Your hair?" Eleven tilted her head just like she always did when she examined something, "It's curly."
Keira nodded her head with a small smile, last time Eleven had seen her she had her hair straightened because she use to hate her curls. "You're one to talk." She gestured towards Eleven's slicked back hair.

She disconnected from her when she saw Joyce— she immediately asked how Will was, entering the room where he was laid out.

Maybe now that Eleven was here there was some type of hope for this nightmare to end.

Everyone turned to the door that Joyce and eleven came out of, she showed her the words that Will had given them

"You opened this gate before, right?" Joyce asked her.

Eleven nodded.

"Do you think you could close it if we got you there?"
Eleven looked into the distance, of course she could do it.

Keira and the others all huddled up by the table once again.

"It's not like before. It's grown." Jim spoke. "That place it crawling with them."

"Demo-dogs." Dustin interrupted.

Hopper looked at the boy, ready to strangle him because of his unnecessary comment. Dustin only turned back to the table.

"I can do it." Said El.

Hopper shock his head.

"I can do it." El repeated once again.

"Even if she can there's still another problem, if the brain dies then the body dies." Mike stated.

"I thought that was the whole point." Keira asked confused.

"It is, but if we're really right about this, closing the gate will kill the mind flayers army and Will's a part of its army—"

"It'll kill Will too." Keira spoke, acknowledging what Mike was saying.

Everyone sighed in defeat, every time they believed they got one step closer they were always so behind to the Mind flayer. Keira turned to her brother, he was so young and he had to live through this she didn't get it. She felt Steve's fingertips slightly caress her arm, he rose his brows at her in a way of trying to easy her nerves. He could sense her tenseness after realizing there truly wasn't a way.

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