𝟬𝟬𝟮. carrie white

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She moved around her room as the music blasted.
Placing final touches on her Halloween costume— it was pretty basic but hey it was a classic.

And who doesn't love a good thriller?

"Keira! Lower the volume!" She groaned moving towards her stereo turning it down a notch before her mother stumped up to her room.

She smudged more of the red stuff on her cheeks and white dress. Keira smiled at herself in the mirror, feeling pleased with her costume.
She rushed down the stairs— Jonathan said he was close by.

Keira snorted out a laugh when she saw her brother on the front lawn as their mom took pictures of him.

"That's my boy." Mrs SinClair awed at him.
Erica and Keira cringed at their brother.

"You're just mad my costume is better than yours." He shrugged— a smirk appearing on his lips as the picture was shot.

"Yeah, yeah that's definitely it." Keira hissed, jokingly eyeing him up and down.

"God you're such a nerd." Erica looked at him in disgust.

"Okay that's enough from the both of you." Their mom glared at both of the girls.

Keira raised her arms up in surrender. Stepping closer to him grabbing his cheeks, "Have fun trick or treating." She teased him while he quickly slapped her hands away. She walked away laughing.

A grin appeared when she saw Jonathan pull up to the front of her house.

"Alright bye guys." She said hurriedly.

"Keira remember to keep an eye out for your brother!" She nodded rapidly reassuring her mom.

Her smile faded once she entered the passenger seat.
"Where the hell is your costume?"

Jonathan lifted his finger for her to wait and reached behind in. Lifting up a halloween mask to his face, then moving it aside showing his grin, "Huh, huh?"

"I hate you." She slapped his mask away from her with a huff, crossing her arms while she looked away. "I can't believe you've managed to ruin my favorite holiday."
Jonathan laughed beside her as he started the car.
Will only observed the two from the back, he was still caught up on the episodes he'd been having.

They pulled up to Mikes drive way, Keira immediately spotted her brother just arriving as well. Jonathan quickly turned to Will in the back.
"I'm picking you up at 9. Don't go too far!" He pointed a stern finger at him, half serious he let a smile appear before waving his hand for him to go.

Keira smiled watching the kids run up to each other.
She turned her head catching Jonathan already looking at her.

"Ready?" He sighed, rolling his eyes jokingly.

She nodded rapidly as he started the car.

The loud music blasted through the house. It could be heard a block away.

Keira was currently fixing her makeup through the mirror.

A car speed through them into the open parking in the house causing Jonathan to brake quickly.
"What the hell-" Keira spat.

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