𝟬𝟬𝟲. one of many

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Keira closed the door behind her as quiet as possible. She looked in every direction checking if anyone was home, no one was.
Sighing in relief she ran to the phone, dialing the Byers house.

The ring was heard while Keira tapped her foot anxiously on the cheap colorful rug her mom had picked out, she would have gotten yelled at if she saw her with her dirty shoes touching the rug.
She waited and waited but no one seemed to pick up the phone. She called again and still nothing.

She placed the phone back in its spot and ran upstairs, she spotted her room, the bed was made from not having slept here the previous night.
Keira entered the bathroom leaning onto the sink, she splashed her face with water trying to calm her thoughts. Looking into the mirror she noticed she was still wearing Steve's sweater, walking into her room she pulled it off putting on something else. She held his sweatshirt in her hand causing her to reminisce everything that occurred the previous night.
She couldn't deny she enjoyed it— she enjoyed his company.

Her head immediately turned to the door when she heard the front door shut.
"Keira? Is that you?" Her mothers voice was heard.
Shit, she cursed to herself. She had left her bag downstairs without even realizing.

"Hey mom." Keira fake smiled, as if that was gonna help.

"Don't Hey mom me. First you don't come home last night, I've been calling Jess and the Byers— who don't even pick up asking about you. And now you're cutting school?" She crossed her arms over her chest expressing her anger towards her daughter.
Erica popped up behind her with a lollipop in hand as she shock her head at her, Keira glared down at her.

"I just finished, last period is always short." She lied. "Last night I told you, I was studying with Jonathan and I'm sorry I got carried away and I fell asleep." She shrugged.

"That is unacceptable Keira. You know I knew that Byers boy was a bad influence— his head is all over the place-"

Keira immediately snapped, "This has nothing to do with Jonathan, he's literally the only person who has listened to me these last two years. You and dad just act like last year never happened— when so much stuff actually did."

Her mother placed her hand on her temple massing it, "What are you talking about Keira? I'm here— we're all here, but you're the one who don't even acknowledge us and act like you have your own rules." Her mother stated, "And that will no longer stand young lady." Keira turned her head to the side pocking the side of her cheek with her tongue.

"Can we talk about this later?— I have to go." She walked past her mother, she would deal with all the consequences after.

"Keira you come back here right now!" She could hear erica "o-ing" in the back but she could care less.

The door shut behind her, she payed no interest and
entered the car quickly driving off to the Byers place.

"So this, El, girl has superpowers?" Max looked lucas dead in the eye which he couldn't comprehend if she was just acting sarcastic or not.

"Yes, and she saved will and all of us." Lucas explained. "But that's why we can't just go around telling everyone about it. Because it could endanger them."

Once Upon A Time  || 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴sWhere stories live. Discover now