𝟬𝟬𝟰. same old mistakes

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"Yeah." He nodded. "I still don't get it."
He scratched the back of his head, looking up to her in confusion. He sat on the floor, his back leaning on the end of the bed.
Keira leaned her head on her palm while her chest laid on his bed.

She groaned, "Let me see," She took the paper from his hands, his head fell back on the bed. "It's not bad, but, it's talking about the Spanish plague. How did it affect us?" They had finished the math project an hour ago and Steve somehow convinced her to help him with his history assignment, it was for sure his worst subject.

He shook his head, pursing his lips, "It told us that..a plague can be named after a language?" He rose a brow. Keira glared at him. "Funny."

"Fine. Gimme' this." He took the paper back, starting to write something down. She pushed herself off the bed, walking over to his desk to grab the water bottle Steve had given her when he offered her a drink.
While he scribbled down on the paper she looked out the window to the pool. "Do you even use it?"

"Hm?" He hummed— too concentrated on what he was writing to look up. That was a first.

"The pool. I mean I've read before that people that are rich enough to own a pool use it about 2 to about 3 times a year." Steve frowned his brows looking up to her, but her stare was focused out his window. "It's quite a waste." She shrugged. A smile lingered on his lips by her intrigue to a weird question.

He put the papers on the bed, getting up he moved over to the desk she was at, "Sometimes I use it— I use to use it a lot with my friends you know. But after last year, I haven't." He stared at the pool, the pool that Barb was last seen by. It tormented him.
"I have an idea." She spoke.

He turned his head to hers, his confused face caused her to explain, "We could sit outside, I mean you have a pretty backyard and your an idiot if you think I won't take advantage of it while I'm here Harrington."
She ran downstairs opening the door to the yard, the cool breeze welcomed her. She looked back to him, if he wasn't comfortable with it she wouldn't budge so she waited for a sign of hesitation, but nothing.

He walked downstairs—to the fridge first, if he had to enter that pool again he needed alcohol. 
"I say drinks first." He smirked in the doorway.

She grabbed a beer, laying in one of the long Beach chairs.
They sat there taking in the nice breezy, Kiera was right, Steve thought. He had completely forgotten how pretty his house was. After the incident, he wished he wasn't near this place. It never felt like home anyways.



"Do you ever think what could have happened if last year never occurred?— Like Will disappearing, everyone and everything."

"I don't know, I'm just glad it's over."

"Yeah but, don't you sometimes get these feelings that it's not, over." Cause she did.

"Maybe, Yeah. Everything that happened caused everything to change, you know?" She chugged her last sip of her beer.
The beer in their hands soon becoming empty, their minds being occupied by thinking about the events they lived through together.

After they sat in silence for a while, Keira got bored of it, she turned seeing the small bar he had by the pool, "Is there alcohol there?" She asked pointing to the bar.

Steve nodded his head, "Yeah why?"

"May I?"

Steve's curiosity caused him to nodded, it was his father's bar and for all he cared Keira could go in there and break every single one of those bottles. It wouldn't change how his father saw him.

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