𝟬𝟭𝟬. end of the world

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The dreams kept replying in her head, just the small moments that seemed the most horrifying.
She noticed how when she entered the house the dream became more and more vivid. The anxious feeling at the bottom of her stomach grew stronger.

Steve paced around the room with his hands on his hips, as if matters weren't any worse, Keira sighed— his continuous movement with her tapping her foot repeatedly weren't a good mix.

She couldn't hold it in anymore.
She thought she could keep it to herself, maybe tell Jonathan but he was way to caught up right now and the only person she had right now, was Steve.

And for some strange reason, she trusted him.

"Steve," She spoke while she walked over to him, "Can we talk?"

He turned to her, his previous attention immediately shifted on to her. "Yeah." He nodded.
They both went into the nearest room, Keira closed the door behind her.

Lucas huffed when he saw them, he knew there was something clearly going on between them. He had never seen Keira like that, he didn't know if it was a good or bad thing.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Honestly, I don't know." Keira worded, fidgeting with her hands trying to find the right words. "Remember when I woke up at your house all like— a mess and everything."


"I had this dream,— that's been happening for a while now, since the school year started," She spoke, sitting down on the edge of Jonathan's bed. Steve looked at her waiting for her to explain further, she took a deep breath before she did, "They're like— I don't know visions? They feel so familiar, like I'm there sometimes—like I'm living it."

He moved to sit beside her, "What do you see?"

Everything she ever saw crossed through her mind, she didn't ever want to live it but she felt like she did— like she was going to.
"It's always so dark, in a tunnel— and it's always just me and this person and at the end, always, they die— But it's the way they die, that always gets to me."

"Do you know who the person is?"

She shock her head, "I'm always so close but I never get to see there face and I-" Her words chocked up in the back of her throat, she sniffed— wiping her nose with the back of her hand. She couldn't help her eyes turning glossy. "I—I can't save them." She finally coughed up.

"Hey," Steve placed his hand on hers, "It's not your fault."

"So why do I keep seeing it?" Keira looked up at him, she knew he couldn't answer it but she still asked. She wanted to know.
He caressed her shoulder, shaking his head at her question.

"Keira you aren't the cause of it. This thing that you're seeing, I don't know why it's happening— hell I still don't know how all of this upside down stuff is happening, but I know one thing, you aren't the cause of none of it." His words almost reassured her.

She bit her lip looking down at his hand on hers, "When we were at the lab, that feeling I always got when I woke up in that tunnel, i felt it and then when we came here, it got stronger. It feels so close. Like it's gonna happen."
It scared Steve, everything she was saying, he thought, maybe she was crazy or on to something. Someone was gonna die.

The door abruptly opened causing them both to stand up startled .
"Come on, We've got something." Lucas spoke quickly and soon left.

Keira turned to Steve, their conversation being cut short. She left the room, he followed closely behind.

Keira looked over the table seeing their set up.
"Will is sending us a code through Morse code." Dustin explained.

They waited listening into the walkie talky as Jonathan or Hopper sent in the code.

"T." Max spoke. Nancy wrote it down.

"E." The last letter was written down.

Everyone's heads turned when the phone rang. Dustin immediately ran to the machine slamming the phone off.
But the phone rang again and Dustin's tactic didn't work this time. Keira rushed towards the phone, yanking the cord and throwing it on the ground. She sighed, pushing her messy curls to the side.

"Do you think they heard it?" Dustin asked.

"Theres a million other phones in Hawkins." Steve spoke. "It could be anywhere."

Keira swallowed down, god she hoped he was right.

At least they had gotten one thing.
The board that Nancy wrote on read, Close the gate.

"What does that even mean?" She asked

The door opened abruptly. It was Joyce.

"He knows."

Jonathan barged in next with Will over his shoulder, he ran to will's room, laying him down on the bed.
Hopper entered holding two guns, "Hey! Get away from the windows!" He yelled out to the kids who looked out the window. They all moved getting together in the living room.

Hopper passed the gun to Nancy, and Keira quickly grabbed the silly string and flame— it wasn't the best but it sure was a weapon.
She grabbed Lucas hand as he grabbed Max's and she pushed them behind her. Steve with his bat moved beside her with Dustin behind him.

The room was silent, everyone's fear and distress very visible. They could hear the bushes swishing in every direction causing them to turn in every movement.

"Where are they?" One of them asked, anticipated for the arrival for them to already come.

Keira gulped when another rustling sound was heard.
"What are they doing?" She asked.

The sound of the creatures wincing in pain was heard. They all turned to the door where the sound got closer and closer.
Nancy prepared the gun to shoot as Keira held the lighter tighter.

The door slammed open.
Everyone turned, the color leaving their faces as they examined the person who stood at the doorway.
Keira's lips parted in shock.

Mikes eyes turned glossy seeing the person he desired for so long stand right in front of him.
A small smile loosened on Elevens lips.


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